Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

I AM Somebody

Posted by Intuition Girl

There are times in our lives where we reflect on where we are, who we are, and who we want to be or what we want to “get” out of life. It’s during these times that we’re at our most vulnerable. We often lose ourselves in the “could’ve been” scenarios that we really need to rise above before we can manifest the life we want to lead.

jmw-dec10-newsletter-bird-in-the-mirrorToday, I want you to stop thinking about what “could’ve been,” and focus on the “I AM somebody” thought. How you feel about yourself and what you project from yourself from this moment forward is where you need to be headed. The more you focus on the fact that you are a unique and special being capable of achieving greatness, you will suddenly find that you are riding high in the plane of conscientiousness. You must be conscientious to be aware of the potential that exists around you. Remember, you are here to serve a greater purpose in life; but you can only uncover and fulfill your life purpose by creating an environment conducive of achieving that goal.

Look into a mirror. Who is it that you see peering back at you? It’s you; wonderful you. Within your reflection is the aspiration of the person you want to see and become in life. You must know that you weren’t put onto this earth without a specific purpose. In your heart and mind are the dreams and visions that you’ve always wanted to see and realize. Now it’s time to take those dreams and visions to the next level of conscientiousness.

You can manifest your heart’s desires by harnessing your creative imagination and intuitive powers that exist solely for you. Put these powerful mental tools to work for you by spending a few moments affront of a mirror every day. Every time you peer into the looking glass, search your soul for your authentic self. What is she saying to you? What does she want you to do with your life? Who does she aspire to be? Look beyond the superficial parts of your anatomy. Look past the color of your hair, your physical shape; instead, focus on your authentic self that gives you the personality to make your dreams come true.

When you unveil the physical mask of reality, you discover that there’s an entirely new perception and retrospect of who you are and why you are an essential ingredient to the Universal flow of energy. You are at one with the world, and the faster you realize that you are somebody, the more relevant you become to the positive energetic flow that brings opportunity and abundance into your life. Don’t you want more chances to create the life you’ve always wanted to have? Learn to live at peace with your inner self – your authentic self; and you will not only begin to believe that you are somebody, but you will become the “somebody” that you were destined to be.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
I AM Somebody
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. For more information, please go to:

4, 3, 2, 1: Lift-Off!

Posted by Intuition Girl

jmw-space-shuttle-article-4321-liftoffAre you ready to propel your life into the outer limits of your present reality? Better still, are you ready to leave the monotony of your dull life to acquire the exciting and extraordinary life you’re intended to live? If you are, then you’re not alone. More people in the world have tossed their ordinary lifestyles to the wayside to pursue bigger and better things. Was it pure luck? A positive twist of fate? Or was it simply the fact that these individuals had the know-how, the willpower, and the intuitiveness to step out of the humdrum and into the high life? More than likely, these folks had an innate desire to achieve greater things, to pursue a higher purpose, or the sincere drive to make things happen – are you one of those people? Actually, each and every one of us possesses these higher instincts to drive us to success…the problem exists only in our mindsets and how we go about using those instincts to better ourselves. Often times, our clever inner voices are screaming at the top of their little lungs only to be thrown out of our mental states…and our actions. Why? We sometimes become our worst own enemies when we refuse to listen to what our inner wisdom is telling us. In fact, we don’t always do it instinctively…we do it by choice. Our choices dictate our strengths, our weaknesses, our prowess, our steadfastness, our individuality, our purpose…what choices are you making?

jmw-strong-article-4321-liftoffThis is one of many reasons why I especially designed my professional Platinum Mastermind program. It’s not for the faint of heart, and it’s not for the weak-minded. I only chose to create this personal and professional development program to nurture those who are well on their ways toward success. Perhaps they’re just seeking a little pizzazz, a little oomph, a little guidance, a little wisdom…but just enough to get them headed in the right direction. Part of this professional coaching program is to help individuals relate to the relationships in which they are…why they have chosen these paths, and how to move forward with the right recipe for wealth and prosperity. When I’m talking about wealth, I include all forms of it: healthfulness, happiness, abundance, success, love, and peace. Wealth isn’t just about material gain; albeit it is nice to be riding high in the financial department – but wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were all fortunate enough to have these types of odds stacked in our favor? Here’s the good news: You CAN! You have all the mental and emotional tools at your disposal…but you just haven’t been using them to your benefit – that’s where I come in: my Platinum Mastermind program takes your profession to a higher level…but not just your profession, your hopes, your dreams, your goals, your personal lives, your relationships. But are you willing to make that type of commitment? Are you truly ready to join the “haves” and to leave the “have-nots” behind?

jmw-woman-blastoff-article-4321-liftoffWith the New Year upon us, I imagine that many of you are thinking,”Ah, it’s just another year…” Perhaps it will be to some. But for many, 2010 will be the year of enlightenment, empowerment, assertive action, emotional bliss, and wealth…pure, unadulterated wealth in all aspects of life. What’s stopping you from moving forward? Is it a bad memory? A sneaky conscience that keeps driving you into the ground? That’s what valuable coaching courses like the Platinum Mastermind program can help you to do: overcome the odds to start having the odds on your side. Now is not the time to throw in the towel…now is not the time to quit while you’re ahead…now is not the time to keep harboring old negative thoughts…now is not the time to rehash your old relationship baggage. Now is the time to jump on the momentum bandwagon and get your train of productivity going in positive and powerful directions to get you to the top. Still sitting on your proverbial launch pad? Now is your moment, now is your time, now is already here…so let’s blast off 2010 to infinite heights that can only be determined by your mind’s eye and how far you want to take your life!

By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies.

Learn about this new prominent program at or if you’re ready to sign up, go to:

Straight Talk with Joan Marie: Rebuilding your Self Image to Stop Procrastinating

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question 2:

Dear Joan Marie:

jmw-dec3-newsletter-cluttered_desk_imageI love receiving your newsletters and Monday morning inspiration. You are like a breath of fresh air that I need to breathe in on a daily basis. My question to you is that I procrastinate often. I know that I need to get certain things done but I continually put them off. I do it with bills, my business; and I constantly create turmoil within myself. Can you help me understand why I do this? Thank you so much for your time.


Samantha Harding


Dear Samantha:

Procrastination is often an issue wrapped around lack of self worth. It sounds as if you are creating an endless cycle for yourself to keep you in an emotional state of conflict. The key for you is to heal your emotional state. I suggest that you daily begin to talk to yourself and share with your Inner Soul, Your Authentic Self, all the good things that you are accomplishing. List several things that you are contributing towards that are blessings in your life.

jmw-dec3-newsletter-reach_out_and_touch_someoneLeadership is a common thread that weaves in the lives of all of us. How we envision our talents and skills determines how we project ourselves out into the world. I believe it is about you being a leader in your life. When are you going to step up and say I am worth it? You need to re-build your self-image and feel confident in your abilities. Trust your decisions and choices and know that structured time will help you move past your hesitation. Unworthiness is a learned condition that is no longer serving you. You need to create new habits within yourself and for yourself on a daily consistent basis in order for you to realize your true value.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie the Gift

Straight Talk with Joan Marie: Creating Space for Loving Relationships

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question  1:

Dear Joan Marie:

jmw-dec3-newsletter-sadness_womanI don’t know where to start; I am with a good man and I love him—the thing is, that we also live with his family, and never have any space or time for us and it is getting to me. I have tried to talk to him but he will not move and get us our own place to live. I have also tried to think of it as a good thing and tried to do and say all the right things but I don’t feel like it is my home. I feel like a prisoner, I stay in my room and I don’t eat all day until he comes home or I go to work and eat there. Maybe you could give me some words of wisdom to get me through this mess.



Dear Cynthia:

I understand that you are in a tough situation right now. My feeling is you and your partner need to sit down and make this a win/win for the both of you. Honest and sincere communication is one of the fundamental traits for a healthy and lasting relationship. It is important that you feel comfortable and accepted in your home environment and if you are both equally in love and wanting to make your relationship work, it will take both of you to commit to a mutual resolution.

jmw-dec3-newsletter-people_thinking-thought_balloonI guess my first thought is to work on finding a solution that will satisfy both of you. If this living arrangement is temporary because he is working on saving money for your future home and life together, then you both need to set a time line and work towards that goal. For any relationship to last requires compromise and open communication; however, if he plans to live indefinitely with his family because he can’t see himself separated from them, you need to know that truth so you can find a solution that will best serve you, your heart and your health.

Before you moved into his families home, some of these discussions and points needed to be resolved. But since you are already knee deep into an environment that intimidates and stifles you, you my friend are the one who needs to make wise decisions. Either you accept the situation or change it. The power is within you. This is a great opportunity for you to step up and be a leader over your life. If this is your home too than you can make the best of it and enjoy your surroundings. No one is asking you to hide in your room. Some hard choices will need to be made by you. It definitely takes courage and strength on your part but when you decide to take charge of this situation and equally implement change with your partner, you will feel much better.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie the Gift

Who do You Love?

Posted by Intuition Girl

In his popular hit song, Bo Diddley asks the question, “Who do you love?” Today, I’m going to ask you the same question: Who do “YOU” love? Now I’m going to give you the right answer: You.” You must love yourself first to achieve inner peace and happiness in your life. Don’t think it’s selfish to love yourself, because you are an essential part of YOU. jmw-nov12-newsletter-woman-smelling-a-flower

To manifest wealth and success in your life, you must prepare your path for greatness by learning to accept and love every part of you. You do this by training your mind and heart to work in unison with your spirit body. The fastest way to transform your life into one that is personally and professionally rewarding is to start a daily meditation ritual, which will help to rest your mind, calm your nerves, and inspire your soul. Some of my favorite meditation methods include the use of relaxation CDs, being in nature, deep-breathing techniques, and journaling. Another great tool is the Manifestation Method – this personal success program is designed to help you manifest your heart’s desires.

Which meditation tool is right for you? That depends on your individual personality. For some, deep breathing techniques may work exceptionally well. Others find that a more guided program like the Manifestation Method, might work more efficiently.

The primary reason for meditation is to teach you how to love and accept yourself for whom you are, in this moment, at this time. It’s also a great forgiveness tool. Too many of us get caught up in overwhelming feelings of guilt and sorrow. When we meditate, it helps us to gain clarity; and improves our ability to wade past the murky waters that distort our views.

Once you are able to clear the rubbish from your mind, you are better mentally and emotionally prepared to rise above circumstance, and enjoy the nature that is you. This is what being in love with yourself is all about – it’s about being comfortable in your own skin. I want you to ask yourself, “Who do YOU love?” And when you do, I want you to acknowledge that it’s” YOU” who matters; and “YOU”, who hold the key to your fortune in life. You are, after all, a spiritual being capable of greatness in every way. Go ahead – love yourself today.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Who do you Love?
By Joan Marie Whelan

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. For more info, please go to:

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