Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Inspirational Message – How are you showing up?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Speak up to people, let them know what you are longing for, who you really are. You will be amazed how fast you shift and people accept you for being you.

5 Must-Have Attitudes in Relationships

Posted by Intuition Girl

In life, you will occasionally find that no matter where you are, with whom you are, or in whatever circumstance you may be, you may feel empty and dissatisfied with your current state of affairs. Perhaps you feel your job is no longer challenging or rewarding; or if you are in a long-standing relationship, you suddenly realize you have grown tired and bored with whom you have invested years of your life. Some of the most common mistakes some of you make is believing that others are there to “serve your purpose“. In relationships, it falls to each one of us to continually choose nonjudgmental perceptions and constructive interactions. Each and every day, you must focus on stronger and more sustainable relationships by carefully constructing building blocks of love and respect. Here are five must-have attitudes in relationships, which promise a sustainable and promising lifestyle:

1. Thinking of “50 Ways to Leave your Lover“? Maybe Paul Simon made a hit with that song, but perhaps it is time to start thinking of at least 25 ways to improve your relationship. Seriously. Get out a sheet of notebook paper and write down 50 ways to improve your relationship. Think of small ways you can contribute to bettering your circumstances and enriching each others’ lives. Remember, in love, it is a two-way street. It is not about how much your loved one can “serve your purpose“; rather, it is about how much each one of you can serve your own purposes to strengthen your bonds of love.

2. Seek and employ. Whether you are in a personal or professional relationship, you must have a “can-do” attitude. If your primary mission is to “search and destroy” aspects of a relationship – meaning you are more into “fault-finding” opposed to “positivism-finding”, then you are sabotaging your own relationship with something or someone. Instead, make a point to find five (5) positive elements or characteristics you admire about your career or your significant other. When you recalibrate your thinking in a more upbeat and hopeful thought process, you find that day-to-day living becomes more tolerable and joy-filled.

3. Stop assuming. It is vital in all relationships to toss out any preconceived ideas about a person or a situation. It is easy to fall into the “assumption trap” because you may have had a previous bad experience. Let it go. Do not offer feedback until you are absolutely clear of what an individual is telling you or doing. Just because something does not always seem clear to you, it does not mean the intention toward you is negative. Get the facts straight before you assume someone is out to get you. I have discovered that when I take the time to see the situation or experience from their point of view, I am better prepared to responds with wisdom and insight.

4. Compromise. Yes, in any and all relationships, it is imperative that you are willing to compromise. Throughout history, leaders – both great and small – have had to be the grownup in the room to find the middle ground. Compromising does not mean you have to sell your soul. What it does mean is that you are willing to cooperate on straightforward solutions to both complex and even simple issues. It may even mean “agreeing to disagree” and leaving it at that but I suggest without anger or malice.

5. Stop beating a dead horse. Have you ever been on the receiving end of one of these lashings? I am sure if you have, it has certainly made you feel frustrated or uncomfortable. So do not do it to someone else. If you have forgiven someone for past words or deeds, then you must also forgive yourself so you can release any anger or hurt feelings over that specific situation. If you have moved beyond a certain point in your life, why would you continue to rehash it? When you free yourself from past hurts, you find those associated feelings no longer have a stranglehold over your life. If you feel you cannot do it alone, let go and let God take the burden off your shoulders. Together, you will stop beating a dead horse and find the courage to move forward as an empowered being.

New Year – New Attitude

Posted by Intuition Girl

I know. Every year it is the same thing. You are all pumped up for the big event, and you have already made out your wish list of resolutions that you plan to carry out in the New Year. Yet year after year, you continue to do the same things that keep holding you back in your life. Why? Is it because you are used to leading your life a certain way? Is it because you have grown complacent to the comfort of knowing how each day is going to be like for you? Or is it because somewhere deep inside of you, you are afraid to let go of all the “stuff” that you have been holding onto?

I realize it is easier said than done. In fact, it is often a challenge for many of you to release things that give you some form of comfort. Even negative feelings and past hurts can sometimes be a comfort — because you know that you can use those as a crutch whenever you want to blame something or someone for your choices in life. The problem with that type of behavior is that the longer you hold onto your emotional baggage, the harder it is for you to move forward in life.

New Year – New Attitude

Why not try something extraordinary this time? Instead of doing things the same way you normally have in the past, use this New Year to reward yourself by pursuing opportunities for positive change. This means that you must challenge yourself to let go of that old pessimistic attitude and reinvigorate your soul being with the awareness that anything is possible – if you choose it to be.

With the New Year comes new opportunities – I want you to bid farewell to those feelings of old. Remember, only you have the power to transform your life into one that will be joy-filled and prosperous. Your metamorphosis will begin to take shape once you understand and apply a renewed sense of purpose in all your undertakings. That purpose is to enrich your life in every aspect; but you must truly want it with all your heart. You achieve this by letting go of the past. Then, you can begin to build upon the experience and wisdom of your history to manifest the foundation for your present and future. Make every minute count! Go into this New Year with a new attitude and watch the pendulum swing in your favor!

Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

©Copyright–All Rights Reserved
New Year – New Attitude
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Life Lessons well Spent

Posted by Intuition Girl

In a day and age where technology appears to rule the day and the sky is virtually the limit in what we can achieve, I often find that young adults seem to have the most difficulty adapting to their new roles in life. Once young men and women get past raging hormones, acne and the feelings of peer acceptance – they are often still overwhelmed by the challenges and uncertainty of the times. It is easy for those of us, ripened with time and experience, to wonder how these feelings of lack and overwhelm can be so prolific in our youth. But given the nature of our socioeconomic environment, it is really no wonder at all. In fact, our high school and college graduates face a tough housing and job market.  To them, everything is not as clear cut as it may have been for ourselves and those who came before us.

Ever heard that old adage about earning a degree at the College of Hard Knox?  Those are some of the best life lessons well spent. For those of us who have been there, we might have some words of wisdom to share. We have seen and experienced what curve balls life can throw our way. Because of the encounters  that many of us have experienced in the past, we just might be the perfect mentors to our youth during these difficult times if they are willing to listen to our words about the life lessons that we have faced. I am sure there are many wise people who have sound advice to offer those who need it the most.

So how do we help them create an attitude of gratitude even when the chips are stacked against them? Though it is an easy question to ask, the answer is not always so straightforward. That is when your life lessons can come in handy. In a lot of cases, you or someone you know may have faced a similar situation when the burdens of life just seemed too much to bear. How did you or another individual make it past the hurdle? What mental and proactive strategies did you employ to overcome these trials? Remember, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers…only suggestions to help mentor those who need it. Teaching an attitude of gratitude – no matter what the circumstances may be – is the definitive sentiment to encourage in these desperate times.

Timing is also always the key. Knowing when to say something is equally as important as lending the guidance itself. Obviously, you need to search for body signals to determine the most appropriate time to speak with the young adult(s) in your life. Deep inside that mind is a battle of the wits. S/he is still trying to gain her/his footing as to where s/he is, where s/he wants to be, and ultimately, how s/he is going to arrive there. If you jump too quickly, you may feed her/his fear. If you wait too long, s/he may simply give up.

Wait for an opportune time to share your own life stories – not to dismiss the real emotions and experiences of the young adult in your life – but to make them aware of the fact that s/he is not the only one going through such adversity and tough times. Help her/him to understand that there is light at the end of the proverbial tunnel; and that no matter what life hands her/him, s/he will come out of it okay if s/he is willing to go the distance and appreciate the blessings that s/he has in the here and now.

In the end, we are merely the watchtower in the bay. We can offer light and a pathway. The journey, however, is for the young adult alone to pave. These will be (her/his own) life lessons well spent.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

© Life Lessons Well Spent
October 2011
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Regain your Inner Power

Posted by Intuition Girl

Have you ever strolled along the beach and spied a treasure hunter with his metal detector? It is kind of funny when you think of it. After all, what are the chances that someone will actually find a huge hidden treasure? In fact, more often than not, the treasure seeker may just be lucky enough to find a few priceless coins or perhaps a valuable piece of fine jewelry. I imagine that half the fun is in the searching!

Well, looking for hidden treasure on the seashore is kind of like taking responsibility for where you are right now. You know that deep down inside of you there is a hidden treasure just waiting to be rediscovered. But you repeatedly allow your problems or misfortunes to overpower you and control your life. If you want to take command of the situation and garner real resolve, you must take hold of that inner treasure detector and uncover the courage, wisdom, strength and passion to attain what it is you are seeking in life. Whatever you choose to do, never give up — it is there waiting for you to uncover it.

Some ideas…

  • Sometimes it is important for you to find a mentor or role model that you can model yourself after. Who is it that you admire or with whom you feel a certain kinship? Perhaps that individual could be your sister, your uncle, a favorite sports player or a local firefighter.
  • You can also ask your guardian angels to support and help you. In doing so, you will not give up so easily.
  • Breathe. At times you may become so consumed with your trials that you forget to breathe. Take a deep breath and feel the warmth of the sun flowing in you, through you and into every cell of your body. Now let it all go. Just let all the anger, resentment, fear and anguish pour out of your body like a waterfall. No longer is it damming your energy flow.
  • Visualization. Imagine yourself strolling on a beach. The waves are beating oh so slightly against the sand beneath your feet. Feel the wet grains of sand between your toes. Hear the seagulls in the distance. The sky is blue and the only thing between you and the ocean is a gentle breeze that continues to envelop your body. Doesn’t it feel good?

There is no better time than the present moment to recapture your inner power and take back the control from all the challenges that are presenting themselves to you. Just like the tide, events in your life will come and go – how you choose to react to those events is entirely up to you!

Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Regain your Inner Power
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan –Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

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