Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

I AM Somebody

Posted by Intuition Girl

There are times in our lives where we reflect on where we are, who we are, and who we want to be or what we want to “get” out of life. It’s during these times that we’re at our most vulnerable. We often lose ourselves in the “could’ve been” scenarios that we really need to rise above before we can manifest the life we want to lead.

jmw-dec10-newsletter-bird-in-the-mirrorToday, I want you to stop thinking about what “could’ve been,” and focus on the “I AM somebody” thought. How you feel about yourself and what you project from yourself from this moment forward is where you need to be headed. The more you focus on the fact that you are a unique and special being capable of achieving greatness, you will suddenly find that you are riding high in the plane of conscientiousness. You must be conscientious to be aware of the potential that exists around you. Remember, you are here to serve a greater purpose in life; but you can only uncover and fulfill your life purpose by creating an environment conducive of achieving that goal.

Look into a mirror. Who is it that you see peering back at you? It’s you; wonderful you. Within your reflection is the aspiration of the person you want to see and become in life. You must know that you weren’t put onto this earth without a specific purpose. In your heart and mind are the dreams and visions that you’ve always wanted to see and realize. Now it’s time to take those dreams and visions to the next level of conscientiousness.

You can manifest your heart’s desires by harnessing your creative imagination and intuitive powers that exist solely for you. Put these powerful mental tools to work for you by spending a few moments affront of a mirror every day. Every time you peer into the looking glass, search your soul for your authentic self. What is she saying to you? What does she want you to do with your life? Who does she aspire to be? Look beyond the superficial parts of your anatomy. Look past the color of your hair, your physical shape; instead, focus on your authentic self that gives you the personality to make your dreams come true.

When you unveil the physical mask of reality, you discover that there’s an entirely new perception and retrospect of who you are and why you are an essential ingredient to the Universal flow of energy. You are at one with the world, and the faster you realize that you are somebody, the more relevant you become to the positive energetic flow that brings opportunity and abundance into your life. Don’t you want more chances to create the life you’ve always wanted to have? Learn to live at peace with your inner self – your authentic self; and you will not only begin to believe that you are somebody, but you will become the “somebody” that you were destined to be.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
I AM Somebody
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. For more information, please go to:

Finding Happiness in Nature

Posted by Intuition Girl

When I was young, a childhood friend told me that if I held a buttercup beneath my chin, and my chin glowed yellow, it meant that I liked butter. Now, I tried the buttercup experiment, and sure enough, my chin glowed yellow.  It was such a silly little amusement, but I remember smiling to myself knowing that a simple flower could say so much about me.  Of course the buttercup glowed a faint yellow beneath my chin because I was out in the sunlight and the manifestation of the bright gold color was only evident because of the sun’s light.

buttercupThere were a few lessons to be gained in the buttercup experiment: trust, was the first. I learned first that I had to trust that the buttercup would glow beneath my chin; and it did. The second lesson was that in nature, all things are possible. The third lesson was that the sun is a remarkable thing that not only brings us the warmth and light to give life to all the earth, but that it has the power to do miraculous things. I smile when I think about this because in my mind’s eye, I can recreate the time and feeling of how a lowly buttercup was able to make me giggle…and believe in something that I may not have before.

You can learn a lot from nature. Especially when you’re sitting in the sunlight, standing beneath a shady oak, or just smelling lilacs as you stroll through a park. You’ll find that happiness is all around you if you only open your eyes to it. Didn’t you know that the wondrous part of nature is that it can bring to light some of life’s most beautiful creations?

The best part is that you don’t have to search very far to find happiness in nature. It’s in the wind, the buzzing bees, the drifting clouds, and in the cricket’s chirp. Happiness is, after all, a mirror image of the life that surrounds us. But it doesn’t just surround us; it’s a part of us. That’s the beauty of it. We are all interconnected to the glorious creation and wonder that we call the Universe. This great big expand of everything and all things, which is a reflection of who we are and why we exist. And it’s the energetic flow of the Universe that bonds all of this life together. Isn’t it amazing?

Smile.  When you smile on one side of the world, it creates a positive ripple effect in the Universal flow of energy. Ever heard the phrase, “Smile and the world smiles with you; cry and you cry alone?” It’s true. When you smile, your face lifts up, your eyes light up, and your insides feel all warm and gushy. When you frown, every thing comes to a screeching halt. That’s the amazing power of happiness. To delight in happiness is to be at one with nature. And when you’re at one with nature, you are at one with the Universal flow of energy. Yes, nature is in all things; smiles included.

If you can’t seem to put a smile on your face, you can always go outside and pluck a buttercup. While holding a small hand mirror, place the buttercup beneath your chin. If it glows yellow, you like butter…or maybe it’ll just make you smile like it made me.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Finding Happiness in Nature
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies , please go

4 Tips to Design the Life you’ve always wanted

Posted by Intuition Girl

magnifying-glassIf you have the precise life recipe, you can increase your opportunities for creating and sustaining a happy, affluent lifestyle. But sometimes, you must change your direction to make this path more defined, more reachable.  Here are four tips to design the life you’ve always wanted, and how to maintain this lifestyle until you’re ready to move on to the next level of success:

1.       Are you ready to go the distance? Step up to the plate. When you’re next in line to bat, you need to be mentally, emotionally, and physically prepared to knock a homerun. It’s a heck of a long sprint to home base if you haven’t readied yourself for the journey. When your mind is in sync with your spirit and body, you can accomplish amazing (and sometimes “impossible”) things in your life.  To do this, you must simply level out the playing field by re-patterning your thoughts and focus. By tossing out the wasteful thoughts of your mind, you can keep an open mind to new possibilities.  This also helps you to keep your eye on the ball, and gives you the clarity to see where you need to hit the (metaphorical) ball to hit your homerun.

2.      Concentrate on commitment.
Even when you intuitively know that you are going to achieve your anticipated result, you must always bear in mind that “things” may happen. Sometimes, we are presented with challenges and roadblocks that may temporarily obstruct our plane of view. I want you to look beyond those challenges and ask yourself why some of these challenges have come your way. Rest assured that the Universe doesn’t interfere with your life; it merely intervenes in your life so that you can see the potential that you may not have seen or realized before. In almost all cases, individuals have discovered newfound joys and wealth where they may not have in the past.

3.      Live in the Present Moment. Too often, we get so caught up in living in the past that we forget that we still must live for today – in the moment of now. When we embrace the essence of right now, right this very moment; our higher consciousness is more fully aware of the happenings that are occurring all around us. From the breeze of a passing wind, to the silence of night – we are more fully connected with the Universal flow of energy and with our intuitive sense of cognitive command. Remember, when you are in control of your conscious thought processes, and you are fully aware of your surroundings, you are much better equipped to contend with perceived obstacles and better aligned with the light force that resides inside you. That is what enables you to manifest powerful and rewarding opportunities into your life.

4.      Reaffirm your confidence. Whether you choose to see it or not, you are the leader of your life. Choices that you made yesterday, are making today, and will make tomorrow are based on what you want in your life; and more importantly, they are all choices that you have personally made. I want you, from this moment forward, to reaffirm your confidence to make wise choices for you and for your life. Know that these choices come from the breadth of your vision and a belief that there is a plan for you. Where do you want to be this afternoon, next week, next month, and next year? Being the leader of your life comes with responsibility and the conscious understanding that what you do today can and will affect tomorrow. Don’t do it the hard way by making the same choices that have led you down a crocked and bumpy path; instead, choose to make your way through the pathway that is clearly marked: “ Infinite source of possibilities and potentialities.”  This path is the one to follow if you choose to trust the process of life and believe that remarkable experiences are coming your way.  When you learn to live from this perspective, then you are the one manifesting everything.

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for September 14, 2009 for a rare, transformational opportunity to speak one-on-one with renowned Intuition Master, Joan Marie Whelan. Come share in the excitement of Joan Marie’s FREE abundance discovery teleclass, which promises to give you a taste of what is to come in her upcoming Strategy Action Recovery Program – designed only for those of you who truly want to become leaders in the art of manifesting wealth, health, and prosperity in every aspect of life.

Raise Your Levels of Awareness through the Solar Eclipse

Posted by Intuition Girl

solareclipseIn a very recent news article, the solar eclipse happening tomorrow is pitting science against superstition. Why all the superstition? According to the report, 95 percent of unrest or war is associated with this type of celestial anomaly.

Whether or not that may be true, I want you to focus on the sun’s positive energy and radiance. Isn’t it an incredible cosmic ball of wonderment?

Just glancing at a photo of this majestic occurrence gives you a hint of the absolute power of this brilliant heavenly giant.

The sun gives us warmth, light, and life. It is energy in its purest and most natural form. Without the sun, there would be no vegetation, oceans, or life as we now know it. When we experience a solar eclipse, we have the rare opportunity to see what naturally happens in the world around us – how the Universal flow of energy flows from around the sun and through the cosmos. How beautiful. How pristine. Only God could have had his hand in something so breathtaking and regal. Every time you look at the sun, I want you to raise your level of awareness; knowing that you are equally as breathtaking and regal for the uniqueness and splendor of you. You are an essential element of the Universal flow of energy that radiates through us, from us, and all around us. The sun is just a glimpse of what your soul being is all about – energy, radiant energy; intended for light, love, and the greatness that you are intended to achieve in your life.

So when you have the chance to see a solar eclipse, imagine this powerful entity to be a part of your soul being. Imagine how unlimited and free you are to create and inspire greatness in all you do. Imagine…and no longer will today’s worries hold you back from moving forward with your life. Just like the solar eclipse, display your radiance everywhere you go; and light will come to you no matter where you are.

Until we speak again,

I am,

Joan Marie, the Gift – Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. , please go

Striking Out? Bat a Successful Homerun in Life

Posted by Intuition Girl

baseballIf you’ve honestly tried to reach your goals in life and have failed, then you need to take a long look at the game plan you’ve been using. Sometimes you have to adjust your footing so you can gain better traction in where you are right now and where you want to lead your life.

Nobody wants to strike out when it’s their turn to bat.  That’s why you must challenge yourself to strive to do better, achieve more, and transform your lifestyle. When you review your game plan, you should use your essential tools for living to get a firm grip on your metaphorical batting range. In addition, you have to take an extensive look at how far you are willing to run in order to achieve your heart’s desires.

There are a few key areas in your life on which you have to focus in order to prepare yourself to hit your homerun to success. Following is a powerful guideline to recreate your lifestyle and fulfill your life’s dreams:

Re-define Your Strengths

Many times, we beat ourselves up to the point that we forget the inner strength we possess, and what vital life tools we have at our disposal. You have to retreat within and redefine your frame of mind so you can really get to the root basis of what’s causing you to strike out when you’re on home plate.

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