Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Heal Yourself through Forgiveness

Posted by Intuition Girl

Have you been stuck in a dead-end job or relationship and cannot seem to move forward in your professional or personal life? Nine times out of ten, you are holding onto old emotional wounds that are preventing you from making wise decisions about your life and the direction you need to take to create a more rewarding, purpose-filled life.

If we refuse to heal ourselves, how can we begin to help heal those around us and the environment in which we live? In order to release your emotional stress and mental baggage from the past, you must find the power and strength within to heal yourself and others.

Emotional healing is an inside job! You must forgive yourself from your past hurts, pains, neglect, abuse, guilt and shame, among other negative feelings so that you can reclaim the joy-filled life you deserve to be living.

What choices do you make for yourself each and every day? If you are choosing to hang on to your hurtful feelings, then you are not making the right choices for you or your wellbeing. In fact, you are excluding yourself from inner peace and happiness. From here on out, you must decide to forgive yourself and the people who have hurt you. Next, release all that bitterness and anger that you have been keeping inside you. Go ahead and take a deep breath. Release all the negativity that has been stopping you from leading a successful life.

Practice putting yourself in proper balance with your emotions each and every day. As you do, you are actively choosing to stop being the victim and are becoming the victor to all your life challenges.

Let me help you pave the way to your emotional healing by joining me on my 5-Week Program on Forgiveness beginning June 1, 2010 at today!

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist.

21st Century Woman – Finding Healing and Self in a Complicated World

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s dynamic woman manages the household, has a full-time career, and in her spare time attends soccer games and school plays. She is witty, sexy, smart, quirky, articulate, knowledgeable and the ultimate super mom wrapped in one package. She’s a no-nonsense gal with a professional and personal background to match her multi-tasking skills and she doesn’t waste a moment sweating the small stuff. But she’s also got a sensual side. She’s tender — she’s loving; and she can compete with the likes of Angelina with just the right touch of makeup and a little lift to her hairstyle.

Like most women, however, the female body and mental disposition can shift with the moon’s phases. She experiences a wide array of emotions and mood swings from day to day that can leave others in wonderment as to what is running through her mind. Some of these emotional shifts may be related to physical, chemical or metabolic imbalances (or a combination of the three). There are revealing studies that examine the chemical makeup of women (and men) and the importance of stress reduction in relation to balancing these inequities.

According to an article in Insight Journal, anxiety problems are linked to a number of factors including learned behavior (on how to deal with stress), personality traits, trauma and mental and emotional states. But were you aware that there can be energy imbalances as well? Joan Marie Whelan, renowned intuitive counselor offers the following advice on how to contend with stress to harmonize mind, body and spirit to become harmonized with yourself and the universal flow of energy, “In order to acquire balance in your life you must first and foremost become grounded in your body,” says Whelan, “One can become grounded through meditation.” Whelan states that this exercise helps reduce feelings of stress, overwhelm and even anxiety. She went onto elaborate, “to be grounded – I often tell people to visualize themselves as if they are a big golden oak tree…. Your legs (are the trunk) that go deep into the earth – As you feel into this image; you will actually experience strength and power. This can and will help bring you stability in your life… the symbolism is powerful–the upper parts (of the body) are the branches… you may swing and sway with your challenges but you do not need to fall down because you are so grounded in the earth that you feel empowered.”

In this new millennium, we discover that more individuals are turning to noninvasive CAM therapies to alleviate daily stress and common health disorders. Some of these complementary and alternative medicines like Tai Chi have effectively demonstrated their abilities to help in healing mind, body and soul. Other complementary therapies like meditation and visualization are actively being studied by the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine to determine how exactly these mind-body-spirit therapies can assist in reducing stress, improving concentration and focus, and in pain relief, among other health issues.  In addition to the meditation techniques mentioned earlier, Whelan told me about one of her own exercises that she frequently facilitates for health and wellness — visualizing the sunlight within her core being, “If you can focus and visualize the golden sunlight within you, you will begin to experience it and a sense of calm and peace will gradually flow within you.  As you are placing yourself within the sunlight, think and feel loved.  No negative energy can live in the light.  Ask your Source to fill you with love.  The experience is awesome,” she said.

In addition to health issues, women throughout the ages have sought their rightful places in society. From daughter, to sister, to mother, to wife and beyond, women play integral parts on the stage of life. But how does one truly find her “authentic self”? Whelan explained why discovering your authentic self is essential to leading happier, healthier lifestyles: Your Authentic Self defines the real you, the true essence of who you are – your soul energy,” says Whelan, “When you discover your authentic self, you gain wisdom and strength and you awaken to a deeper sense of whom you are and why you were born.” Whelan added that when individuals discover this form of healing and soul awakening enables the opportunity “to get to know you at a deeper level of your being, your soul—complete with all of your inhibitions and vulnerable threads.”

We’ve all heard about women’s intuition, but what makes intuition a valuable aspect to everyday living and in problem-solving techniques? Whelan explained how innately intuitive we actually are. She said, “Our intuition is also known as our conscience; our gut feelings — our inner voice that shares valuable and basic common sense answers and guidance to our daily living. We are making choices all the time.  Some are helpful and others cause us pain.  If we could only slow down our human-ness and live more in our heart, we would hear the soft, quiet voice of our authentic self share words of wisdom.” She adds that stress, anxiety, frustration, resentment, confusion and anger pressure us beyond our limits.  Her thoughtful advice to women (and men) is: “When we are living in the present moment and allow our actions, attitude and behavior to bring forth messages that express compassion, sharing and caring, we change our body language and our physiology and positive experiences spring forth.  But the reverse is also true.  I am continually asking my inner soul, my little child within together with my spirit guides to help me through the day to give me the courage and strength to see the larger picture and to stay grounded in love and light.”

21st Century Woman – Finding Healing and Self in a Complicated World

Guest Post By CarolAnn Bailey-Lloyd – Social Media and More


Insight Journal – What Causes Anxiety

Citizen Times – Benefits of Tai Chi move beyond the physical

NCCAM – Meditation: an Introduction

Soul Discovery: 9 Principles for Revealing Your Sacred Gifts

Changing Focus to Change your Emotional State

Posted by Intuition Girl


jmw-dec17-newsletter-snowbaby-imageI am feeling all over the place. I am starting to feel cluttered in my mind and in my home and as a result, I am also feeling anxious. I am assuming that both feelings are interconnected but I honestly don’t know.

The holiday season is usually a time of great excitement, so I am wondering if that has something to do with it. In all honesty, I would like to feel more relaxed and at ease with myself…but it doesn’t seem to be happening.

I need help and I am hoping you will be able to give it to me. I don’t want to get sick and I certainly don’t want to create an accident because of my emotional state. Thank you

Lorraine C.


Dear Lorraine:

Thank you for sharing where you are. I am sure there are many who are feeling the same way. The holiday season often finds people feeling anxious and sometimes out of control. When that happens to you, take several deep breathes in and relax. You are in control of your behavior and emotional state. Remember that!

Do not allow your circumstances to dictate your life. How do you do that?

1. When you recognize that anxious state, immediately try to shift your energy. Think of something that is calming and relaxing.

2. Change your focus—a short prayer or mantra helps me center and ground myself and it definitely shifts my energy.

3. Daily morning meditation ( even for a few moments) will help set the mood for the day.

4. Clean up your space—whether at home or work. Physical clutter is the breeding ground for mental and spiritual clutter.

5. Good eating habits and regular exercise are vital for your overall state of being. Junk food weights you down in more ways than one and keeps you sluggish.

A brisk walk once or twice a day will help you stay balanced. I find this process important for my personal overall healthy state.

6. Get a good night sleep – that is not silly but absolutely necessary for maintaining a healthy state of mind.

All of the above takes discipline and effort on your part. There are certainly times in my life when I want to give into my lesser ego self, but I truly know and understand that if I want a healthy and balanced life and if I want to enjoy the abundance that life has to offer, I—no one else—it is “I” who must decide what choices I honestly need to make to reach my desired outcome.

jmw-dec17-newsletter-bell01This can be a wonderful and playful time of year. I warmly invite you to practice these steps because I know you will begin to enjoy yourself more. Celebrate your blessings and honor you for who you are.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

P.S. Discover the abundance awaiting you in 2010 when you commit yourself to learn how to create real, positive transformation in your life in my 2010 Mastermind Platinum Program — Hurry, space is limited! Visit today!

Awakening your Authentic Self to the Laws of Universal Flow

Posted by Intuition Girl


Dear Joan Marie,

I am a spiritual person and enjoy reading and listening to pretty much everything to make my life better and keep me on my charted path. I believe in the law of Attraction and affirmations – although, I ‘m having a difficult time understanding the time it takes to get results. It seems that one negative thought gets faster results than 1000 positive ones. Why is this? I’ll try and catch a negative thought and change it.

jmw-dec17-newsletter-snowman08Also, the saying – “I can’t afford that” this is a mind virus, but, when I look at my bank account how do I overlook the lack of money? Would you suggest to spend over your income because you know and believe that the money will come?

I don’t want to be foolish and irresponsible – I’m asking this sincerely and respectfully.

E. Campbell


Dear E. Campbell:

I honor you for your desire and willingness to grow and learn but please understand that there is a big difference between the process of seeking knowledge in information and living the process. Once you begin to live a life of unquestioning trust in the process of the Laws of Universal Flow, your life can change dramatically and things can happen very quickly. The truth is you must deal with all your emotional blocks and beliefs tied in with money—your fears, worthiness and other emotional issues that are preventing your flow. If time is elapsing and your desires are not being met than you must look at your own inner self. Do you actually believe you can create that which you are seeking? Are you prepared for the change coming into your life? In order to attract positive flow in your life- your internal vibration – mind-body and soul must be in alignment. In my various programs, I teach this process.

Every thought and action together with our behavior patterns is brought about through our habits and our beliefs. We can cultivate good habits as easily as we create destructive habits—it is a choice. Being conscious of where you are placing your energy and disciplining your mind are vital to your success. The depth of the knowingness in your mind, body and spirit will deepen as your emotional blocks are released and your feelings of self-worth and value improve.

jmw-dec17-newsletter-xmas-tree01It sounds as though you are fighting a war in your mind – it is between your authentic self who wants to awaken and become more whole and your ego self who likes you just the way you are. For your true self to win this battle, you must be the leader in your life and be the one voice in charge. I often say to all negative thoughts –”that is a lie- the truth is this.” It is up to you to state your truth and own it.

Attraction is not just about positive thoughts- it is about owning your thoughts- knowing without a grain of doubt that they are true and living them. I hope all this helps. I could go on for pages with all of this but this is a great start for you. The most important suggestion I can offer you is: “Never give up.” Continue on your quest and allow your journey to be a fun-filled adventure and a gift.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

P.S. Discover the abundance awaiting you in 2010 when you commit yourself to learn how to create real, positive transformation in your life in my 2010 Mastermind Platinum Program — Hurry, space is limited! Visit today!

Straight Talk with Joan Marie: Rebuilding your Self Image to Stop Procrastinating

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question 2:

Dear Joan Marie:

jmw-dec3-newsletter-cluttered_desk_imageI love receiving your newsletters and Monday morning inspiration. You are like a breath of fresh air that I need to breathe in on a daily basis. My question to you is that I procrastinate often. I know that I need to get certain things done but I continually put them off. I do it with bills, my business; and I constantly create turmoil within myself. Can you help me understand why I do this? Thank you so much for your time.


Samantha Harding


Dear Samantha:

Procrastination is often an issue wrapped around lack of self worth. It sounds as if you are creating an endless cycle for yourself to keep you in an emotional state of conflict. The key for you is to heal your emotional state. I suggest that you daily begin to talk to yourself and share with your Inner Soul, Your Authentic Self, all the good things that you are accomplishing. List several things that you are contributing towards that are blessings in your life.

jmw-dec3-newsletter-reach_out_and_touch_someoneLeadership is a common thread that weaves in the lives of all of us. How we envision our talents and skills determines how we project ourselves out into the world. I believe it is about you being a leader in your life. When are you going to step up and say I am worth it? You need to re-build your self-image and feel confident in your abilities. Trust your decisions and choices and know that structured time will help you move past your hesitation. Unworthiness is a learned condition that is no longer serving you. You need to create new habits within yourself and for yourself on a daily consistent basis in order for you to realize your true value.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie the Gift

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