Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Do you believe there is a need to change yourself?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Friends,

Many of us believe that there is a need to change the world whether it be our school system, our government or the way business is performed but we fail to recognize the fact that all change starts on the inside of each one of us first.

There is an inner problem that is facing the world and until it is recognized and dealt with, we will not be able to illicit change in our world order. It is our unwillingness to slow down long enough so that we can take inventory of our own lives–our own household and see the bigger picture of where we have been, where are we going and how are we planning to get there.

PRACTICE exhibiting the same discipline on yourself that you wish to invoke on others.
Seriously! Gandhi famously put it: “We must embody the change we wish to see in the world.” If we wish to live in a society that is less violent, then we as individuals must take steps to become less violent whether in our actions or reactions to what is placed in front of us daily whether in entertainment, media or in social interactions because those negative emotions that we accuse others of possessing are being condoned by you.

Let us take our individual responsibility seriously and become the change that we wish to see in the world. Of course it won’t be easy–becoming a more conscious person never is!

Learn more about Psychic Medium Joan Marie Whelan – Intuition Counselor and Intuition Coaching Specialist

February 7 , 2011

Soar high so you too, can create Professional Success in 2010!

Posted by Intuition Girl

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At the end of January, I’m going to dive into my 10-month Mastermind Platinum Program…and I want you to become an active participant in this New Year of possibilities! Are you tired of living the same old boring life? Sick of waiting for your ship to come in? Don’t know whether it’s your consciousness talking to you or your ego? If you want to learn how to creatively use your intuition to become a professional, intuitive coach, then this powerful dynamic program is designed just for you!

In my Mastermind Platinum Program, I’m going to teach you how you, too can learn how to interpret other individuals and help them take their lives to a whole new level of successful living. In this program, I’m going to help you position yourself to develop your own professional, intuitive self-improvement program and you will begin to reap the benefits of your own achievements!

Don’t wait! Time and space are limited – go to right now and reserve your spot.

If you want more detailed information, please call (949) 760-0044

Awakening your Authentic Self to the Laws of Universal Flow

Posted by Intuition Girl


Dear Joan Marie,

I am a spiritual person and enjoy reading and listening to pretty much everything to make my life better and keep me on my charted path. I believe in the law of Attraction and affirmations – although, I ‘m having a difficult time understanding the time it takes to get results. It seems that one negative thought gets faster results than 1000 positive ones. Why is this? I’ll try and catch a negative thought and change it.

jmw-dec17-newsletter-snowman08Also, the saying – “I can’t afford that” this is a mind virus, but, when I look at my bank account how do I overlook the lack of money? Would you suggest to spend over your income because you know and believe that the money will come?

I don’t want to be foolish and irresponsible – I’m asking this sincerely and respectfully.

E. Campbell


Dear E. Campbell:

I honor you for your desire and willingness to grow and learn but please understand that there is a big difference between the process of seeking knowledge in information and living the process. Once you begin to live a life of unquestioning trust in the process of the Laws of Universal Flow, your life can change dramatically and things can happen very quickly. The truth is you must deal with all your emotional blocks and beliefs tied in with money—your fears, worthiness and other emotional issues that are preventing your flow. If time is elapsing and your desires are not being met than you must look at your own inner self. Do you actually believe you can create that which you are seeking? Are you prepared for the change coming into your life? In order to attract positive flow in your life- your internal vibration – mind-body and soul must be in alignment. In my various programs, I teach this process.

Every thought and action together with our behavior patterns is brought about through our habits and our beliefs. We can cultivate good habits as easily as we create destructive habits—it is a choice. Being conscious of where you are placing your energy and disciplining your mind are vital to your success. The depth of the knowingness in your mind, body and spirit will deepen as your emotional blocks are released and your feelings of self-worth and value improve.

jmw-dec17-newsletter-xmas-tree01It sounds as though you are fighting a war in your mind – it is between your authentic self who wants to awaken and become more whole and your ego self who likes you just the way you are. For your true self to win this battle, you must be the leader in your life and be the one voice in charge. I often say to all negative thoughts –”that is a lie- the truth is this.” It is up to you to state your truth and own it.

Attraction is not just about positive thoughts- it is about owning your thoughts- knowing without a grain of doubt that they are true and living them. I hope all this helps. I could go on for pages with all of this but this is a great start for you. The most important suggestion I can offer you is: “Never give up.” Continue on your quest and allow your journey to be a fun-filled adventure and a gift.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

P.S. Discover the abundance awaiting you in 2010 when you commit yourself to learn how to create real, positive transformation in your life in my 2010 Mastermind Platinum Program — Hurry, space is limited! Visit today!

Tough Times Call for Strategic (Mind) Measures

Posted by Intuition Girl

knowledgeispricelessWhen the going gets tough, whom can you trust?

We’re not always able to trust external sources like the government, banking institutions, and other outside entities. We can, however always rely on our inner intuitive voice and wisdom, which can provide us with the guidance and light to lead us through sometimes murky waters in our lives. The best way to create a positive environment for success is to educate ourselves so we can be better equipped to make sound choices and create outcomes that serve us, our lives, our families, and our communities.

The first step to create the life you want to lead during these tough economic times is to develop a strategic plan for success based on gut feelings that come from your intuitive talents and by fine-tuning your problem solving abilities. There is a masterful artist within you wanting to escape today’s economic woes — you simply must wade through the clouded passage to gain clarity and awaken your inner consciousness. How do you do that? You begin with a healing meditation for your mind, body, and spirit.  Whatever it is you are facing at this time, you must masterfully use your intuition and inner healing powers to transform your current lifestyle.

Read the rest of this entry »

What is your Aura?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Joan Marie,

I would appreciate if you would please explain to me what my aura is?

Thank you,

Sam T.


Dear Sam,

Did you know that your energy field (or aura) emits both high and low vibrations?  It’s true. For instance, have you ever entered a room and suddenly you feel the warmth and positive energy radiating in the atmosphere?  Whether or not you were in good spirits before you entered this room, you now feel your spirit and mood lifted, and your mind is moving at the speed of light.  This is an environment of powerful manifestation of both great emotions and ideas. This positive energy transcends all emotional blockages and awakens your soul being.

Your soul being is the core of your higher consciousness and wants you to be happy and healthy in all aspects of your life.  When you awaken this critical ingredient of your physical and sacred being, you have entered a present moment of now; where you can grow and discover your true soul power.

You must let your aura shine like your life depends on it…as it does.  Your aura is the beautiful energy force that drives your positive sacred being — allowing you to find hope in your darkest hours and encouraging you to achieve greatness in all that you do; with every part of your being, and with every sense of the intuitive power that the Divine has bestowed upon you.  And guess what?  The more positive energy you emit, the more you receive.  The more positive energy you receive, the healthier you become — spiritually, emotionally, physically, and yes, even financially.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie the gift intuition girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies, please go

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