Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

What if God IS a Reflection of You and Me?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Joan Osborne asks, “What if God were one of us?” I ask you, “what if God IS a reflection of us?”

We all come from the same Source and we all have been blessed to come into this world free of resentment, anger, fear or worry.  Our very being revolves around love, peace, harmony, balance, laughter and joy.  Right from the very beginning we are given the right to choose and as free thinking beings, we are all capable of good and evil.

In this respect, we are all born the same way, physically function the same ways … the differences, however, are in our perception of how we interact on both a human and spiritual level; and how we perceive the world around us and the cultural divides that sometimes limit our scope of view.

If we define God as the “good” in us, and are interconnected to the Universal flow of energy, then we can assume that being good means being at peace and in harmony in our environment, our relationships, and with the global community in general.

What message do we convey to others? Being the reflection of God takes a certain amount of effort, commitment and responsibility. It means that in everything we see, hear, say, and feel – we must find the love and beauty in it first. It is thinking and feeling before we act. It is expressing compassion and a true sense of caring and sharing. You are, after all, a representation of goodness and the qualities of the Divine.

What are the benefits of being a reflection of God and being in sync with the Universal flow of energy? The advantages of emitting this goodness in our lives are that we ultimately begin to attract positive events, people, and opportunities that we might miss otherwise.

This idea of bliss crosses multinational and multicultural lines as well. We are, as the human race, intended to live purposeful and fulfilling lives. The rewards or punishments we receive are of our own choosing in most circumstances. For instance, if we choose to live in misery, we lead miserable lives. If we choose to live in anger, we lead hurtful lives. The same holds true when we choose to live in peace and in happiness. We cannot always forget our pasts, but we can learn to forgive and move forward – and that is elemental in determining the fate of a blessed or empty future. We are, in a sense, a reflection of our own doing and undoing. What path have you chosen?

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, the Gift – Your Intuition Girl

Intuition Girl, Joan Marie Whelan BlogI invite you to check out my numerous products that were designed to help you open to your true identity and heal from past experiences.  They all can be found on my products page on the web site at:

Forgiveness and Healing go Hand in Hand

Posted by Intuition Girl



WE will be hosting another Forgiveness Program for 4-Weeks in July on Tuesday Nights

For those of you who couldn’t  join us before, this is your opportunity to do so now.

“God, Our Universal Source is reaching out to all of us and asking us to willingly release the poisonous emotions that paralyze us.” – Joan Marie Whelan

Yes, the emotions that hold us in bondage and chains are often the most toxic and lethal to our overall wellness.  Are you ready to make a useful change in your life? If you are, then for what are you waiting?

It is an inside job that we must all take to task and to heart. It is not as difficult as it may seem. At first, you may be thinking, “Why do I have to learn to forgive? I have done nothing wrong. It is everyone else who has hurt me in the past. Not me.”  But in fact, it is you — who have been holding onto these sad and regretful emotions that have been barring you from advancing in your life. It is you, who must choose to live in emotional freedom or live in emotional bondage.

So many of us have been hurt or abused at one time or another, either by our own hand or because of someone else. Anyone who has become a victim and that includes survivors of childhood abuse, political or military imprisonment, crime, relationships or self- abuse due to various addictions must go within and clearly decide their fate…for it is ultimately our decision that will strengthen us and bring forth our healing or it will destroy us and cause our demise.

Are you choosing to remain a victimof the small child who lost her father; the individual who was accosted years ago; the man who is still fighting the war within; the widow who lost her spouse… how much longer are you willing to hold onto your emotional wounds of the past?

It is an inside job and I want you to know that you have the mental and intuitive capacity to change your frame of mind, body and spirit – right down to your internal DNA! You have the ability to transform your thinking and your lifestyle for more positive, more productive, and more useful outcomes for you. You, brilliant you, are the master of your life and your destiny. Once you understand that you have the courage and power to forgive, you will receive a blessing: a sense of inner peace that is priceless.

That is why I am offering for the second time this 4-Week Program that will:

  • alter your life
  • bring about an awakening
  • open the door to new opportunities
  • give you practical tools to use for the rest of your life
  • revolutionize your life from the inside out
  • Give you downloadable audio of each class to re-listen to upon need

After all, it is an inside job – let me help you help yourself; and together, we can begin the transition from victim to victor!

Forgiveness is an internal process. It is not about forgetting a negative event or emotion

It is freeing—it frees one from the grip of another. If we cannot let go of our strong desire for revenge or obsession, we will never experience true healing

This program is reasonably priced and intended to give you a quick jump-start on your healing process

Classes are scheduled for every Tuesday Evening in July 6PM Pacific Time and 9 PM EST

I’m going to share my gifts and incredible life-altering program!

Don’t let another life-transforming opportunity pass you by! Isn’t your release from shame—blame or guilt worth it?

Sign up now for your opportunity to work with me!  Learn more at now!

Forgiveness: Expanding your Prospects

Posted by Intuition Girl

Renowned Dutch botanist, Paul Boese once said, “Forgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.” Let’s reflect on that statement for just a moment. Imagine if every time Edison or Franklin had gotten negative results and they simply gave up. Nope, not going to do it … no, they did not – thankfully. Without their willingness to forgive themselves for their miscalculations and follies, we would not have much of the technology that we have today.

In order to expand our prospects and to reveal our true destinies, we have to look beyond our emotional hurts, beyond our misgivings, and beyond the pain that we have inflicted upon ourselves throughout the years. Life is a journey and a constant experiment. The more we experience life, the more we begin to grasp the solidity of the Universal flow of energy. This is where self-forgiveness enables us to truly identify with our authentic self and our higher potentiality. When Boese talked about forgiveness, he was quite right in his summation. We cannot change our past, but we can alter the course of our future. And the first way to do that is to offer forgiveness not only to those who have brought pain upon us, but in forgiving ourselves for the pain that we have inflicted upon ourselves. Holding onto extra emotional baggage simply weighs us down; delaying and impeding us from moving forward.

Onto what are you still clinging? Why do you continue to punish yourself with negative feelings of animosity, vengefulness, jealousy, regret, sorrow or resentment? Imagine a stream flowing gently along and right when it is supposed to reach a waterfall, there is a dam blocking the way. Suddenly, the stream backs up and begins to flood the banks. That is what happens when we do not forgive ourselves. We build an emotional dam that does not allow us to move freely and in forward motion. Before too long, we flood ourselves with raw emotions that take over our lives and our lifestyles. Our unforgiving emotions have begun to control our every thought, word and action. This stops us from broadening our future and our horizons.

From this moment on, I want you to free the dam of your emotions so you can expand your prospects. If a flower can open its petals and reveal its inner beauty, then you too, can free your mind and your heart to the inner beauty that you possess. Forgive yourself first so you can reap the opportunities that lie ahead of you now.

I am offering a 5-Week Program on the topic of “Forgivenesss.” During those 5 weeks, we will be tackling many of the thoughts, beliefs and inner turmoil that we often experience while we are feeling hurt, angry or simply blocked against any one or any thing that will helps us heal and flow. I invite you to take a look at the site that will go into greater detail this 5-Week Program on Forgiveness.

Many blessings to you on your journey,

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Heal Yourself through Forgiveness

Posted by Intuition Girl

Have you been stuck in a dead-end job or relationship and cannot seem to move forward in your professional or personal life? Nine times out of ten, you are holding onto old emotional wounds that are preventing you from making wise decisions about your life and the direction you need to take to create a more rewarding, purpose-filled life.

If we refuse to heal ourselves, how can we begin to help heal those around us and the environment in which we live? In order to release your emotional stress and mental baggage from the past, you must find the power and strength within to heal yourself and others.

Emotional healing is an inside job! You must forgive yourself from your past hurts, pains, neglect, abuse, guilt and shame, among other negative feelings so that you can reclaim the joy-filled life you deserve to be living.

What choices do you make for yourself each and every day? If you are choosing to hang on to your hurtful feelings, then you are not making the right choices for you or your wellbeing. In fact, you are excluding yourself from inner peace and happiness. From here on out, you must decide to forgive yourself and the people who have hurt you. Next, release all that bitterness and anger that you have been keeping inside you. Go ahead and take a deep breath. Release all the negativity that has been stopping you from leading a successful life.

Practice putting yourself in proper balance with your emotions each and every day. As you do, you are actively choosing to stop being the victim and are becoming the victor to all your life challenges.

Let me help you pave the way to your emotional healing by joining me on my 5-Week Program on Forgiveness beginning June 1, 2010 at today!

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist.

5 Tips on how to live in Happiness

Posted by Intuition Girl

“Happiness is like a butterfly. The more you chase it, the more it eludes you; but if you turn your attention to other things, it comes and sits softly on your shoulder.”

The anonymous author who wrote this passage had his heart in the right state of mind. Happiness truly is like a butterfly. Too many times, we lose our vision because we’re too busy trying to become content, when contentment has been there all along. I’m going to give you five tips on how to live in happiness so you, too, can catch your own metaphorical butterfly of bliss:

1. Get physical. Remember the old grade school song where the music teacher would sing, “If you’re happy and you know it, and you really want to show it, if you’re happy and you know it, clap your hands”? Well, you don’t have to physically clap your hands (unless you want to) — but to make your body feel healthier and free your spirit from daily rigors, a brisk walk, an impromptu happy dance, or a good physical workout can boost your immunity and improve your mental clarity. So go ahead, clap your hands, stomp your feet, and get your body moving!

2. Meditate. You don’t need a Guru to whip you into a meditation routine, but you must be committed to practicing daily positive affirmations to reinvent your mental thought processes. Focus on a time when you were most happy, or a place that makes you happiest. Once you have that mental picture in your mind, concentrate on it. Put yourself in that place. Smile. Close your eyes and take slow, deep breaths. Inhale. Exhale. Inhale. Exhale. Repeat this mental exercise as much as you need to calm your nerves. It’s amazing what a little meditation can do for the mind, body, and soul.

3. Skip the junk food. I’m no nutritionist, but I know what junk foods like greasy French fries and potato chips can do to my body. But junk foods just don’t affect your physical wellbeing; they affect your emotional state of wellness, too. When you put garbage into your body, it limits your mental capacity to think positively. Eating healthy, whole foods like nuts, and raw veggies and fruits can perk your mind, body, and spirit.

4. Journal. Why do you think diaries are such a popular-selling item? It’s not just because little girls want to share their deepest, darkest secrets – diaries, or life journals are superb emotional healing and self-growth tools that help individuals understand and resolve life problems. They’re also great to write out dreams, goals, and desires of the heart. The coolest part about journaling is that you don’t need a degree in journalism or any other special training to write out your thoughts and ideas. Think of your life journal as your personal mind notebook. When you put your goals to paper, it’s so much easier to concentrate on those goals without losing touch with reality. Try it – once you do, you’ll be pleasantly surprised.

5. Smile. Do you know that frowning brings down your whole spirit? When you smile, you can feel your eyes lifting, your cheeks wincing, your forehead rising, and your whole body feels light and like it’s atop of the world. Frowning, on the other hand brings your whole composure down. Don’t be a sloucher. Smile. Laugh. Read a joke. Share a joke. Watch a comedy or a cartoon. Think back to a time where you laughed so hard that it made your stomach hurt. What made you laugh that way? Smiling is the ultimate in living in happiness. If you practice active smiling every where you go, you will attract more smiles and positivity toward you. Go ahead and smile. Because remember, when you smile, the whole world smiles with you. When you cry, you cry alone.

Until we speak again,

I am,

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
5 Tips on How to Live in Happiness
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. For more information, please go to:


My 10 Month Master Mind Program starts soon and I am hosting another Free Teleclass to discuss it.  If you are called to be open to New Possibilities this year, I invite you to join me on the call and listen to me discuss the program. CLICK HERE TO SIGN UP!

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