Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Listen to the Sounds of Silence

Posted by Intuition Girl

When you read the title, possibly the first thing that often comes to mind is Simon and Garfunkel’s 1970s hit song, “The Sounds of Silence”. This is, in fact, one of the most profound statements and songs to date. While the lyrics speak about visions and the ability to break through to those willing to lend an ear and heart, many still do not truly “hear” the sounds of silence. These are the small recesses in the core of our being…in the crevasses of our minds. The illusion of all that we are and all that we have been is simply that: an illusion of what we truly could be if only we would take the time to hear what our higher consciousness is trying to convey to us. Are you listening?

Are you writing the song to your life and have not yet begun to sing it? Imagine how powerful your story could be if you allowed it to become the melody in your mind, body and spirit. Many times, you rehearse a part in the play of life over and over but never get on the stage to act it out. You automatically silence your intuition and your innermost feelings, because you do not believe you are worthy of what your soul truly wants; or perhaps you fear failure, regret or guilt. Emotional hang-ups often prevent you from fulfilling your life’s song because you allow them to take over the very essence of whom you really are, and who you are really destined to be.

For once, I want you to think about the statement, “Listen to the sounds of silence.” Find a quiet room in your home, maybe a bench in a secluded park, or while resting your head in a hot, sudsy bath. Close your eyes. Now listen to the sounds of silence. It is more than just the title of a song; it is the gateway to comprehending what your inner consciousness is trying to tell you. Silence is the golden opportunity for you to respond to what your heart actually wants. This is also the perfect time to tune into your intuition and listen to the song that is playing in your mind’s eye. What melody is it creating in your Soul Being? What metaphorical chords can you strum to put the tune into harmony and balance in your life? All you need is the willpower and the gift of intuitiveness to open up your heart and mind to what the sounds of silence are whispering your way.

Earlier, I mentioned that the song speaks about the ability to break through to those willing to lend an ear and heart to truly hear what the sounds of silence are conveying. It is not a science, nor is it a theory – it is a simple philosophy in life. When you take time to make time to tap into your innate gift of wisdom, you are ultimately listening for the breakthrough in the silence.  Many people have traveled the world to find the truth and ultimate purpose in life. Some have died trying to do so. Some have been successful in their quest. One special individual, in particular, comes to mind — Mother Teresa of Calcutta who summed this thought nicely: “If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” In other words, you must feed your Soul Being by acting accordingly to what your silent intuition wants you to do. Are you ready to propel yourself forward? Listen to the sounds of silence, and suddenly you will find that you are singing and playing the most powerful song of your life.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Listen to the Sounds of Silence
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

What if God IS a Reflection of You and Me?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Joan Osborne asks, “What if God were one of us?” I ask you, “what if God IS a reflection of us?”

We all come from the same Source and we all have been blessed to come into this world free of resentment, anger, fear or worry.  Our very being revolves around love, peace, harmony, balance, laughter and joy.  Right from the very beginning we are given the right to choose and as free thinking beings, we are all capable of good and evil.

In this respect, we are all born the same way, physically function the same ways … the differences, however, are in our perception of how we interact on both a human and spiritual level; and how we perceive the world around us and the cultural divides that sometimes limit our scope of view.

If we define God as the “good” in us, and are interconnected to the Universal flow of energy, then we can assume that being good means being at peace and in harmony in our environment, our relationships, and with the global community in general.

What message do we convey to others? Being the reflection of God takes a certain amount of effort, commitment and responsibility. It means that in everything we see, hear, say, and feel – we must find the love and beauty in it first. It is thinking and feeling before we act. It is expressing compassion and a true sense of caring and sharing. You are, after all, a representation of goodness and the qualities of the Divine.

What are the benefits of being a reflection of God and being in sync with the Universal flow of energy? The advantages of emitting this goodness in our lives are that we ultimately begin to attract positive events, people, and opportunities that we might miss otherwise.

This idea of bliss crosses multinational and multicultural lines as well. We are, as the human race, intended to live purposeful and fulfilling lives. The rewards or punishments we receive are of our own choosing in most circumstances. For instance, if we choose to live in misery, we lead miserable lives. If we choose to live in anger, we lead hurtful lives. The same holds true when we choose to live in peace and in happiness. We cannot always forget our pasts, but we can learn to forgive and move forward – and that is elemental in determining the fate of a blessed or empty future. We are, in a sense, a reflection of our own doing and undoing. What path have you chosen?

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, the Gift – Your Intuition Girl

Intuition Girl, Joan Marie Whelan BlogI invite you to check out my numerous products that were designed to help you open to your true identity and heal from past experiences.  They all can be found on my products page on the web site at:

Spring Cleaning: Ridding the Clutter from your Life!

Posted by Intuition Girl

Ah, the allure of spring… isn’t this the perfect time to get all the dust out of the nooks and crannies of your house? Springtime is also the perfect time to take a long look at your personal and professional life to fine-tune your mind, body and spirit!  In order to de-clutter your house, you have to start from the ground up and work your way out the front door. A lot of times, this means having to throw out all the pack-ratted items you’ve been saving from the garbage bin, dusting all the top shelves that you didn’t have time to dust in the past, and clearing out the closet from all the old winter clothes you no longer wear. That’s about what it takes to de-clutter your material life as a whole. It takes honest-to-goodness effort, hard work, and persistence to rid yourself from all the “stuff” that no longer serves you or is useful to your life and well-being.

I believe that it is also time to rid yourself from all the negativity and old baggage you’ve been harboring in your mind.  Often times fear, anxiety, blame, sense of lack, unworthiness or indifference becomes our captor…and subsequently, our punisher. These ugly little emotions can build throughout the years creating a mountain of emotional debt that overrides your sense of purpose, confidence, direction, and future success in life.

When the waste-bin of your cluttered mind has grown to such tremendous heights, it starts blocking your view…your perception…your creativity. Before you know it, there is so much clutter in sight that you can’t even begin to see the horizon to where you are today or where you’re going in the future.

The big question is: “Why hold onto these burdensome mental triggers?” Unfortunately, we frequently do so more than we’d like to admit. It’s sort of a like an old song from our past. We tie it to an event, place, person, or feeling and every time we hear the song, it triggers an emotional response. In effect, like the song, we become mentally attached to our negative feelings like a crutch. If something goes wrong, we can blame it on that old nasty feeling we have or on the event to which it’s tied. It’s easy to blame something else or even someone else instead of ourselves.

That’s why you must set some goals for yourself today to start a whole new mental de-clutter program, that is, working from the inside out so that you begin to energize your mind with positive and worthwhile thoughts that will bolster your life.

How do I make room in my life for a more positive flow to come forth?

  1. The first step is to overcome your biggest fears in life and start to transform your story…your history.
  2. The next step is to transform your current lifestyle to another, more creative-thinking one that will garner the success you want to achieve in life.
  3. Modify your game plan so you can start generating real forward momentum in your life!
  4. Simplify your life by gaining greater understanding of how your mind works to build your platform and restore balance.

Never look back on the mountain of collective “stuff” again!   It is time to rid yourself of all the negative emotions you’ve clung to for so long and get back into the business of being a clutter-free, goal-oriented, success-driven person you are intended to be! Come on… energize your mind and watch your entire perception change.  It is time for you to feel free and content as you set your sights on bigger and brighter things –the miracle of your new mind dynamics!

Let me, Certified Master Intuitive, Joan Marie Whelan assist you in your journey of re-awakening as you explore your clutter-free life. Learn more about my upcoming five-week program on de-cluttering your life today and you too will enjoy a new way to triumphant living.

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Spring Cleaning: Ridding the Clutter from your Life!
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Are you a torch of strength?

Posted by Intuition Girl

…Or an ember of weakness? How you carry yourself determines the type of energy you emit and receive. If you think like a winner, you begin to feel and speak like one. The more you assume the role and speak like a champion, the quicker and more successful your goals are achieved.

2010 brings revelation and change for those who are ready to become a champion in life. It is the opportune time to capture the winds of transformation and begin to flow with the energetic force of the Universe! Whatever choices you make for yourself today will determine the outcome of your tomorrow. And as you actively choose to become conscientious participant in your life, you begin to motivate the creative juices in your mind, your soul, and your body. Suddenly, everything comes full circle. Suddenly, you are no longer sitting on the sidelines waiting to be chosen for the big game. You have become both the champion runner and the torch bearer for yourself and to others.

What a wonderful feeling it is to be free from the mundane and active part of the fascinating bounce that will carry you through this year and into the future of the destiny that you are creating! That is the difference between being a torch of strength and an ember of weakness. Which do you choose to be?

For just a few moments, I want you to visualize what it is like to be an eagle soaring high above the trees. Close your eyes and feel the wind beneath your wings. Take a deep breath of the oxygen filling your lungs and flooding your body with new vitality. There is nothing that you can’t reach. And as you’re flying, you can feel the air circulating all around you, through you, and beneath you. You are virtually being carried by your own willpower…effortlessly, silently, beautifully. That’s what it is to be a flaming torch. You are absolute power and your power is absolute. Nothing can hold you back from your destination, except your own will. How far are you willing to go the distance? Now open your eyes. Breathe out and relax your body beginning with the top of your head down to the soles of your feet. Slowly. Breathe in a deep breath. Where are you at this very instance? Doesn’t it feel good to know that you can, with ease, calm your mind, your spirit, and your physical body…in just a matter of moments?

That’s what being a burning torch is. A torch does nothing but calmly, continuously sheds light and warmth. It doesn’t need a lot of bells and whistles, just a little oxygen to fan its existence…and the rest comes easy. It is, however, a powerhouse in the darkness. It emits just enough light to lead your way…it emits just enough energy to light a fire to keep you warm…and that is what you must do to create a spark of hope…a spark of good fortune…and a spark of creativity to move forward towards your higher purpose and your destiny. Become the torch of strength, and watch as positive energy finds its way back to you. The more light and warmth you give, the more you gain.

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Are you a Torch of Strength?
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

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