Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

5 Intuitive Points for Discovering the Ideal Match

Posted by Intuition Girl

Ever wonder how some couples stay happily married for 50 years or how in love some couples appear to be? Call it chemistry, call it an instant click, or maybe…just maybe there was something intuitive about these relationships that made them work quite as well as they have.

There are a lot of singles in the world seeking that perfect mate…a soul mate for life. The trouble with searching for the perfect match is that perfection is far from easy to find…and sometimes perfection is not at all what we are seeking. Somewhere along the line, we have been tricked into believing that love creates sparks, whistles and bells… a large display of fireworks. And then when we finally discover love, it is not at all what it’s cracked up to be. Bummer.

There is some good news, however. When you use the following five intuitive points to discover your “perfect” life partner, you will find it’s a lot easier to open the lines of communication to get a relationship established.

1.  The eyes have it! When you walk into a room (or any place for that matter) and you notice that your eyes meets another’s, do you shy away or do you feel drawn to that individual? The feelings that you evoke at that precise moment are your intuitive powers kicking into overdrive. How you feel and what you perceive from that individual are clues as to whether or not that certain somebody is a match for you. Let your conscience be your guide in this case. More often than not, it can provide you with the hint you need as to whether or not this person is a fit…at least by first observation.

2.  Pay attention to hand signals! Now that you have made an eye-connection, observe the individual’s body language. Body language can intuitively tell you how the person might react to your advancement. Rather, if the individual may make a move toward you. If the person is open handed and relaxed, that individual may welcome dialog with you. If the individual is sitting with legs or arms crossed, s/he may not wish to engage in a conversation.

3.  Smile or frown? When you see an individual, you can usually intuitively pick up on that individual’s emotions. Sometimes these feelings can run a gambit and may be covered by a wincing smile or strained laugh. Study the individual for a welcoming smile or any other facial expression. Watch body movements (shifting, toe or finger tapping, etc.) too, because these are usually closely tied to facial expressions. The woman pictured on the right, for example, is saying, “Hi. I would really like to talk to you but I am shy.” (Notice the hands crossed resting beneath her chin.) The smile however is genuine.

4.  Nervous habits. If an individual is steadily tapping his or her fingertips upon a desk, table, or other platform, it means that the person is in a rush or may be a very impatient person. If you are a more laid-back individual, you will find that patience and impatience do not always go together. Intuitively and physically, you can also pick up on subtle habits like fidgeting with hair, tugging on ear lobes, or eye movements. When an individual is speaking with you, pay attention to which direction his or her eyes are shifting. If the person looks you straight in the face or slightly shifts her eyes to the right, she is being truthful. If the individual shifts his eyes overtly to the left, the person is often being dishonest. Also signs to look for which may or may not mean anything at all are eyes that ride the floor. Many times, when individuals are shy or aloof they may dread direct eye contact in fear of being “shut down” or “shut out”.

5.  Voice. An individual’s voice also plays a pivotal role in how we perceive that person. Fast, high-pitched voices may be annoying to some individuals. In some cases, slow, monotone voices can be likewise boring. Using your intuition, you will find that your voice octave often matches a prospective match. It’s a matter of listening to your potential counterpart and determining if that individual is a good match. Also note that certain octaves are more ear-pleasing to one another, so while our octaves may not be perfectly in sync, our intuitive attraction is.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Your Intuition Girl

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan — Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

2010 is all about you

Posted by Intuition Girl

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If you’re not standing atop of a mountain, shouldn’t you be? Get ready to grow in 2010 and learn how the power of “10” is going to help you redefine your life assertively and dynamically! Register for one of my free teleclasses to learn how my Platinum Mastermind program can assist you in your personal and professional growth in the New Year!

Learn more about this extraordinary course at or call 949-760-0044 today! Hurry – space is limited!

4, 3, 2, 1: Lift-Off!

Posted by Intuition Girl

jmw-space-shuttle-article-4321-liftoffAre you ready to propel your life into the outer limits of your present reality? Better still, are you ready to leave the monotony of your dull life to acquire the exciting and extraordinary life you’re intended to live? If you are, then you’re not alone. More people in the world have tossed their ordinary lifestyles to the wayside to pursue bigger and better things. Was it pure luck? A positive twist of fate? Or was it simply the fact that these individuals had the know-how, the willpower, and the intuitiveness to step out of the humdrum and into the high life? More than likely, these folks had an innate desire to achieve greater things, to pursue a higher purpose, or the sincere drive to make things happen – are you one of those people? Actually, each and every one of us possesses these higher instincts to drive us to success…the problem exists only in our mindsets and how we go about using those instincts to better ourselves. Often times, our clever inner voices are screaming at the top of their little lungs only to be thrown out of our mental states…and our actions. Why? We sometimes become our worst own enemies when we refuse to listen to what our inner wisdom is telling us. In fact, we don’t always do it instinctively…we do it by choice. Our choices dictate our strengths, our weaknesses, our prowess, our steadfastness, our individuality, our purpose…what choices are you making?

jmw-strong-article-4321-liftoffThis is one of many reasons why I especially designed my professional Platinum Mastermind program. It’s not for the faint of heart, and it’s not for the weak-minded. I only chose to create this personal and professional development program to nurture those who are well on their ways toward success. Perhaps they’re just seeking a little pizzazz, a little oomph, a little guidance, a little wisdom…but just enough to get them headed in the right direction. Part of this professional coaching program is to help individuals relate to the relationships in which they are…why they have chosen these paths, and how to move forward with the right recipe for wealth and prosperity. When I’m talking about wealth, I include all forms of it: healthfulness, happiness, abundance, success, love, and peace. Wealth isn’t just about material gain; albeit it is nice to be riding high in the financial department – but wouldn’t it be wonderful if we were all fortunate enough to have these types of odds stacked in our favor? Here’s the good news: You CAN! You have all the mental and emotional tools at your disposal…but you just haven’t been using them to your benefit – that’s where I come in: my Platinum Mastermind program takes your profession to a higher level…but not just your profession, your hopes, your dreams, your goals, your personal lives, your relationships. But are you willing to make that type of commitment? Are you truly ready to join the “haves” and to leave the “have-nots” behind?

jmw-woman-blastoff-article-4321-liftoffWith the New Year upon us, I imagine that many of you are thinking,”Ah, it’s just another year…” Perhaps it will be to some. But for many, 2010 will be the year of enlightenment, empowerment, assertive action, emotional bliss, and wealth…pure, unadulterated wealth in all aspects of life. What’s stopping you from moving forward? Is it a bad memory? A sneaky conscience that keeps driving you into the ground? That’s what valuable coaching courses like the Platinum Mastermind program can help you to do: overcome the odds to start having the odds on your side. Now is not the time to throw in the towel…now is not the time to quit while you’re ahead…now is not the time to keep harboring old negative thoughts…now is not the time to rehash your old relationship baggage. Now is the time to jump on the momentum bandwagon and get your train of productivity going in positive and powerful directions to get you to the top. Still sitting on your proverbial launch pad? Now is your moment, now is your time, now is already here…so let’s blast off 2010 to infinite heights that can only be determined by your mind’s eye and how far you want to take your life!

By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies.

Learn about this new prominent program at or if you’re ready to sign up, go to:

Honoring your Feelings through Trust

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question 2

I love my partner but I do not trust him. I feel as though he is not being honest with me. November 19 Newsletter - jmw-trust-graphicI do not think he is deliberately trying to do that…but nonetheless, that is the end result and that is what I am feeling. I hope I am making sense here. If you have any guidance, I would greatly appreciate it.

Thank you.

Sierra J.

Answer 2

Dear Sierra:

I believe I understand what you are saying. I often say that it is important to trust what you are feeling. Our feelings are like a radar system that if you understand them correctly they can steer you in the right direction. The key for you is to heal what emotions are coming up for you. The only person you can control is yourself, so the point to make is how do you want to deal with this and other situations. If you are feeling betrayed, what outcome do you choose so you will feel honored and respected.

November 19 Newsletter - jmw-finding-trust-imageI also suggest that you sit down with your partner and have an open and honest communication with him. You need to get really clear with yourself and what it is you do not trust in your relationship and talk with him about it. Is he covering up something so as not to worry you? What are the reasons? This is also a great time for you to look deeper at this relationship and your mutual commitment with each other so that you understand what is working and what is not. You both need to decide to come together and work through this situation before something happens

I also strongly suggest that during this time you take care of you—your emotions, mental attitude and physical wellbeing. Work on gaining clarity of what is coming up for you and why you are in this situation. This is a great lesson for you in becoming more honest with yourself and your life. As you make a deeper commitment to you, you will also be honoring your feelings.

Many Blessings,
Joan Marie, the GiftIntuition Girl

Who do You Love?

Posted by Intuition Girl

In his popular hit song, Bo Diddley asks the question, “Who do you love?” Today, I’m going to ask you the same question: Who do “YOU” love? Now I’m going to give you the right answer: You.” You must love yourself first to achieve inner peace and happiness in your life. Don’t think it’s selfish to love yourself, because you are an essential part of YOU. jmw-nov12-newsletter-woman-smelling-a-flower

To manifest wealth and success in your life, you must prepare your path for greatness by learning to accept and love every part of you. You do this by training your mind and heart to work in unison with your spirit body. The fastest way to transform your life into one that is personally and professionally rewarding is to start a daily meditation ritual, which will help to rest your mind, calm your nerves, and inspire your soul. Some of my favorite meditation methods include the use of relaxation CDs, being in nature, deep-breathing techniques, and journaling. Another great tool is the Manifestation Method – this personal success program is designed to help you manifest your heart’s desires.

Which meditation tool is right for you? That depends on your individual personality. For some, deep breathing techniques may work exceptionally well. Others find that a more guided program like the Manifestation Method, might work more efficiently.

The primary reason for meditation is to teach you how to love and accept yourself for whom you are, in this moment, at this time. It’s also a great forgiveness tool. Too many of us get caught up in overwhelming feelings of guilt and sorrow. When we meditate, it helps us to gain clarity; and improves our ability to wade past the murky waters that distort our views.

Once you are able to clear the rubbish from your mind, you are better mentally and emotionally prepared to rise above circumstance, and enjoy the nature that is you. This is what being in love with yourself is all about – it’s about being comfortable in your own skin. I want you to ask yourself, “Who do YOU love?” And when you do, I want you to acknowledge that it’s” YOU” who matters; and “YOU”, who hold the key to your fortune in life. You are, after all, a spiritual being capable of greatness in every way. Go ahead – love yourself today.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Who do you Love?
By Joan Marie Whelan

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. For more info, please go to:

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