Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Are you a torch of strength?

Posted by Intuition Girl

…Or an ember of weakness? How you carry yourself determines the type of energy you emit and receive. If you think like a winner, you begin to feel and speak like one. The more you assume the role and speak like a champion, the quicker and more successful your goals are achieved.

2010 brings revelation and change for those who are ready to become a champion in life. It is the opportune time to capture the winds of transformation and begin to flow with the energetic force of the Universe! Whatever choices you make for yourself today will determine the outcome of your tomorrow. And as you actively choose to become conscientious participant in your life, you begin to motivate the creative juices in your mind, your soul, and your body. Suddenly, everything comes full circle. Suddenly, you are no longer sitting on the sidelines waiting to be chosen for the big game. You have become both the champion runner and the torch bearer for yourself and to others.

What a wonderful feeling it is to be free from the mundane and active part of the fascinating bounce that will carry you through this year and into the future of the destiny that you are creating! That is the difference between being a torch of strength and an ember of weakness. Which do you choose to be?

For just a few moments, I want you to visualize what it is like to be an eagle soaring high above the trees. Close your eyes and feel the wind beneath your wings. Take a deep breath of the oxygen filling your lungs and flooding your body with new vitality. There is nothing that you can’t reach. And as you’re flying, you can feel the air circulating all around you, through you, and beneath you. You are virtually being carried by your own willpower…effortlessly, silently, beautifully. That’s what it is to be a flaming torch. You are absolute power and your power is absolute. Nothing can hold you back from your destination, except your own will. How far are you willing to go the distance? Now open your eyes. Breathe out and relax your body beginning with the top of your head down to the soles of your feet. Slowly. Breathe in a deep breath. Where are you at this very instance? Doesn’t it feel good to know that you can, with ease, calm your mind, your spirit, and your physical body…in just a matter of moments?

That’s what being a burning torch is. A torch does nothing but calmly, continuously sheds light and warmth. It doesn’t need a lot of bells and whistles, just a little oxygen to fan its existence…and the rest comes easy. It is, however, a powerhouse in the darkness. It emits just enough light to lead your way…it emits just enough energy to light a fire to keep you warm…and that is what you must do to create a spark of hope…a spark of good fortune…and a spark of creativity to move forward towards your higher purpose and your destiny. Become the torch of strength, and watch as positive energy finds its way back to you. The more light and warmth you give, the more you gain.

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Are you a Torch of Strength?
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Help me to see through my fears

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question # 2

Joan Marie, your newsletters have truly inspired me and I wanted to reach out at this time in my life when I am seeing a big boulder sitting right in front of me. I push people away and I am resistant to great advice and suggestions when they are presented to me. Please help me see through my fears so I can understand why I push people and opportunities away. I am so grateful for your help.

Karen H., Chicago


Dear Karen:

Thank you for your beautiful note. So many of us push away our many gifts and opportunities without even realizing it; however, your awareness is a blessing and a chance for you to flow more easily. Pushing people away is a form of protecting yourself from getting hurt. Please look at all the people that hurt you and see the patterns you have created. Have you put yourself in a box hoping to keep everyone else out? That is your protection mechanism so you will not get hurt. It is almost as if you are walking around wounded and saying I won’t let anyone hurt me again.

I also encourage you to look at your need to be right or maybe you unconsciously feel that “I know it all.” The greatest opportunity for all of us is to become a student and listen to others suggestions and/or critiques. If you honestly believe that a suggestion does not feel right to you than yes, by all means respect that. However, my feeling for you is once you open up your heart to receive a helping hand many more opportunities will come your way.

Life is about giving and receiving—allow yourself to be in alignment for both and watch the flow of blessing come to you.

Many Blessings,

Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuitive Coaching Specialist

Waking up to 2012

Posted by Intuition Girl

It appears all over the internet—fear, worry and concern about the coming of 2012. We are all hearing the doomsday messages across the board.  We hear about Mayan prophecies, we hear about Nostradamus, we hear about climate change, we hear about solar flares…and we have not even gotten started on all the earth changes that have been happening around us!    It is true that 2012 will be here soon and so much hype has already be spun around this year…but how we perceive it in advance and what we do as we encounter the possible change, can and will create the difference between peace and happiness, and fear and distress. We are all hearing the doomsday messages across the board.  I encourage you first—do not panic. Take a breath. Calm your nerves. Now, breathe again and get grounded.

For just a few minutes, I want you to reflect on the here and now. The year is 2010. We are at a pivotal time in history where we have the choice to decide our destiny. We can follow the lead of what terrible fate some are predicting or we can choose to live in the moment of now. Who in your life has meaning to you? What in your life has meaning to you? You see, you are all that you are. Your intuitive nature wants you to attach yourself to positive energy and go with the gentle flow of the universe. The more you let go and let God, the more you find that you can live in the present moment of inner peace, enlightenment, and the free spirit that resides within you. It is not necessary to live in state of constant paralysis because no matter what happens, you will find the strength and inner wisdom to overcome all things great and small.

We still have two years to get our acts together. Now is not the time to be running around like Chicken Little screaming “the sky is falling!”  We have too much to live for in the moment of now. Make your awakening in the here and now so that you can choose your destiny…program your life to become one of greatness and happiness. You can have the inner peace that you desire if you so resolve to pursue that path…but if you choose the latter – to live in a state of alarm and anxiety, it will lead you down a negative, winding path that will only bring you grief and misery.

Wake up to 2012 so that you will be prepared for the greatness that you are destined to achieve in your life. Wake up to 2012 and leave the fear and stress of what may or may not lie ahead of you. Your very life depends on it. If you live in anxiousness your physical health can and will deteriorate. When you live with inner peace… with the knowingness that all will be well, you will prevail over anything that you may encounter. Breathe. Relax. Know that you are in the right place at the right time; and whatever comes will not be an ending to a means, but a beginning to a new phase in your life.

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

The Fundamentals of using your Intuition

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dutchman, Sven Kramer was on his way to a gold medal and an Olympic record in the 10,000 meter race when his coach directed him to change lanes because in his mind he thought he was in the wrong lane.  The coach erred—Sven was actually in the right place at the right time and he knew it; but he chose not to follow his gut feelings – his intuition. His win was forfeited!

Have you ever been in the right place at the right time and something throws you off course? I am sure that has happened in your life at one time or another, and then afterward you kick yourself because you went against your higher instincts – your intuition.
Why is it valuable to use your Intuition?

6 helpful reasons

1. Intuition is Cost-Effective!

You do not need to pay others for advice; it is built into you. You do not have to make unnecessary appointments for a counselor or professor to tell you what you need to do. In most cases, your intuition is on-key…when you listen to it!

2. Intuition is Fool-proof

Ever heard that phrase, “you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free”?  That is how intuition works. It is the rawest, purest, innate wisdom that helps you survive each and every day. When we don’t follow our intuition, we usually regret it and too often after the fact, we see the wisdom that was previously ignored.  Your Intuition is that little voice in the back of your mind that says, “That road might be treacherous…” or “You need to check on Johnny…” or “I better make that call.”  Of course there are numerous times we tap into our intuition, and we do not even realize we are doing so. That is why it is fool-proof: it is always there!

3. Intuition is your Dream Catcher

Your intuitive power opens you up to identify new possibilities. Dreams are the centerpiece to our imagination, our hopes, our goals, and even our fears. With intuition as our guide, we need not rely on outside forces to fulfill our desires. Our gut feeling is not a gamble – it is the real deal. Because it is a mainstay in our lives, we do not have to make high-stake choices based on a stranger’s analysis or theory. Instead, we discover that our inner consciousness has all the mind tools at our disposal to make the right choices to realize those opportunities that are right for each one of us.

4. Your Intuition is 24/7

It is part of your essence so it is with you all the time. Of what service are you aware that is available to you 60 minutes an hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 52 weeks per year…for free? Today, we might get 24-hour service but it is going to cost for every day we have it. Imagine your intuition as your fast-food for thought on a moment’s notice. No waiting in line to be serviced, no cashier to pay, no traffic hassle, no others cutting in line – it is entirely yours to do with as you please whenever you want at absolutely no financial cost to you. Wow!

5. Intuition is a True Treasure

Your intuitive power is a priceless talent that you possess so honor and respect it. Do not take it for granted. Listen to it. It is your ultimate mentor –your Yoda of the mind, heart and spirit. When Luke said, “I can’t believe it,” wise Yoda responded, “That’s why you fail.” Your intuition is priceless and can help you to succeed on all levels of living…when you truly listen to it and start believing in yourself. “Let the force be with you…”

6. Intuition makes you self-sufficient

Once you realize that you can make sound and wise decisions by going within, you become self sufficient and truly more self-confident.  All your success is completely within reach and in your hands.  That is the secret to your innermost source – your intuition makes you stronger, happier and more self-reliant when you need it the most and when it counts the most.  Ask Sven Kramer if he would have listened to his intuition – I guarantee if he had a chance to repeat his race and listen to his gut feelings, he would have.

Whom do you Trust? Yourself

It is imperative to plant the seeds of trust in your Soul, your inner gut, your Intuition.  It does not matter what you call it; however, what does matter is that you trust it implicitly.  How does one do that? That is exactly what I teach and coach people.  If a person does not know him or herself implicitly, they will not be able to distinguish between the right and wrong information that is constantly coming into their mind.  The mind is a powerful mechanism that can steer us in the right direction when utilized properly.
We already possess the greatest knowledge of the Universal flow deep within our core but we haven’t learned how to tap into that knowledge and utilize it for our highest and best good.  When we are willing to re-discover our authentic Self and continually go to the Source for our guidance and support, we will reap the reward. The knowledge of who you are simply lies deep within you. Don’t you think it is time to unbury your greatest treasure?

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Finding Light and Hope in Transition

Posted by Intuition Girl

From the moment we are born into this world, we are in the process of what I’ll call “transition.”  Transition in life is constant; and it guarantees that we will always be transforming throughout our lives — even in death.  Remember that energy never dies — it transforms; this is how we as human beings “transition.”  We change from one form to another…sometimes in more subtle ways with regard to personality, and in physical forms through growth and even weight loss.  Nonetheless, all are forms of transition.

Due to a recent news story, there is even more hope and light at the end of the proverbial tunnel.  According to the article, Ms. Claire Sylvia, a 47-year old woman who was dying from a lung disease, found new inspiration and took on new characteristics after she received a new pair of lungs and heart from an 18-year old boy.  Some skeptics may say that Sylvia may have been experiencing a sudden rush of life and exhilaration from the transplant, but I beg to differ.

After receiving the miraculous gift of life, Sylvia began having new cravings for beer (a drink she never liked), and other food items.  Not only did her taste buds change, Sylvia also began taking on certain traits that only the young man had had in his living years.  While these may be subtle personality changes, the transition that Sylvia experienced was more than just short of a miracle.  The life-changing event that Sylvia encountered some 20 odd years ago has definitely had a positive and spiritual impact on her life — and on the lives of the young man’s family.  Though traditionally, donor names are kept secret; (but in the case of Sylvia) she didn’t have to look further than her own dreams, where the donor name was revealed to her.  Coincidence?  Since that time, Sylvia has established a long-lasting relationship with the donor’s family; and I’m sure, both parties have found solace in this transition.

While this true story may not be exactly like the fantasy ones in “Heaven can Wait,” starring Warren Beaty; or Chris Rock’s “Down to Earth,”  the uncanny nature bares similar characteristics to what we would all love to see and comprehend in life.  We all know that life and death are both guaranteed to us — the day we are born and the day we die.  But when we understand that life, like energy, transitions from one form to the next; we begin to see a bigger picture, a brighter future into what will ultimately become of us.

Though we may not all be so fortunate to see the value in life as Claire or the young man’s family have, the story gives us a glimmer of hope — a glimmer of life that continues to grow and transition…even through death. While some of us may become part of the everlasting energy to recreate and revitalize, some may go onto new beginnings, new awakenings, or a new spiritual plane altogether.  The fact of the matter is that life is part of the Universal flow of energy; and as long as energy flows like the ever-revolving cycle of life, there will always be a new beginning to every ending…even in transition.

Until we speak again, I am                                               

Joan Marie, Intuition Girl

© Copyright - All Rights Reserved

Finding Light and Hope in Transition

By Joan Marie Whelan

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching

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