Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

The Fundamentals of using your Intuition

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dutchman, Sven Kramer was on his way to a gold medal and an Olympic record in the 10,000 meter race when his coach directed him to change lanes because in his mind he thought he was in the wrong lane.  The coach erred—Sven was actually in the right place at the right time and he knew it; but he chose not to follow his gut feelings – his intuition. His win was forfeited!

Have you ever been in the right place at the right time and something throws you off course? I am sure that has happened in your life at one time or another, and then afterward you kick yourself because you went against your higher instincts – your intuition.
Why is it valuable to use your Intuition?

6 helpful reasons

1. Intuition is Cost-Effective!

You do not need to pay others for advice; it is built into you. You do not have to make unnecessary appointments for a counselor or professor to tell you what you need to do. In most cases, your intuition is on-key…when you listen to it!

2. Intuition is Fool-proof

Ever heard that phrase, “you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free”?  That is how intuition works. It is the rawest, purest, innate wisdom that helps you survive each and every day. When we don’t follow our intuition, we usually regret it and too often after the fact, we see the wisdom that was previously ignored.  Your Intuition is that little voice in the back of your mind that says, “That road might be treacherous…” or “You need to check on Johnny…” or “I better make that call.”  Of course there are numerous times we tap into our intuition, and we do not even realize we are doing so. That is why it is fool-proof: it is always there!

3. Intuition is your Dream Catcher

Your intuitive power opens you up to identify new possibilities. Dreams are the centerpiece to our imagination, our hopes, our goals, and even our fears. With intuition as our guide, we need not rely on outside forces to fulfill our desires. Our gut feeling is not a gamble – it is the real deal. Because it is a mainstay in our lives, we do not have to make high-stake choices based on a stranger’s analysis or theory. Instead, we discover that our inner consciousness has all the mind tools at our disposal to make the right choices to realize those opportunities that are right for each one of us.

4. Your Intuition is 24/7

It is part of your essence so it is with you all the time. Of what service are you aware that is available to you 60 minutes an hour, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and 52 weeks per year…for free? Today, we might get 24-hour service but it is going to cost for every day we have it. Imagine your intuition as your fast-food for thought on a moment’s notice. No waiting in line to be serviced, no cashier to pay, no traffic hassle, no others cutting in line – it is entirely yours to do with as you please whenever you want at absolutely no financial cost to you. Wow!

5. Intuition is a True Treasure

Your intuitive power is a priceless talent that you possess so honor and respect it. Do not take it for granted. Listen to it. It is your ultimate mentor –your Yoda of the mind, heart and spirit. When Luke said, “I can’t believe it,” wise Yoda responded, “That’s why you fail.” Your intuition is priceless and can help you to succeed on all levels of living…when you truly listen to it and start believing in yourself. “Let the force be with you…”

6. Intuition makes you self-sufficient

Once you realize that you can make sound and wise decisions by going within, you become self sufficient and truly more self-confident.  All your success is completely within reach and in your hands.  That is the secret to your innermost source – your intuition makes you stronger, happier and more self-reliant when you need it the most and when it counts the most.  Ask Sven Kramer if he would have listened to his intuition – I guarantee if he had a chance to repeat his race and listen to his gut feelings, he would have.

Whom do you Trust? Yourself

It is imperative to plant the seeds of trust in your Soul, your inner gut, your Intuition.  It does not matter what you call it; however, what does matter is that you trust it implicitly.  How does one do that? That is exactly what I teach and coach people.  If a person does not know him or herself implicitly, they will not be able to distinguish between the right and wrong information that is constantly coming into their mind.  The mind is a powerful mechanism that can steer us in the right direction when utilized properly.
We already possess the greatest knowledge of the Universal flow deep within our core but we haven’t learned how to tap into that knowledge and utilize it for our highest and best good.  When we are willing to re-discover our authentic Self and continually go to the Source for our guidance and support, we will reap the reward. The knowledge of who you are simply lies deep within you. Don’t you think it is time to unbury your greatest treasure?

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Prayers needed for dreams and visions

Posted by Intuition Girl

Question # 2

Joan Marie,

Do you believe that everybody’s death is pre-ordained? Recently I received a message (a whisper) that the next person around me to die is going to be my 14 year old son. After receiving the message I had a very detailed dream about his death. I know that dreams are sometimes to be used for the symbolic messages but this time, I can’t shake that gut feeling that this is some type of warning or psychic message. The reason this dream disturbs me so much is because for the past year I have had dozens of psychic dreams.

It seems as what I see in my sleep comes to reality within days, weeks or months of the dream. It’s pretty amazing to say the least.

I can remember back when I was younger I had visions in my dreams that also came true. Some of these visions came with that gut wrenching sick feeling that you know there is nothing you can do about it; that it’s going to happen and that is the feeling that is coming with these messages/dreams.

I know there is nothing I can do to intervene with God’s plans so I’ve begun to pray for my son’s safety and protection. Please, if you don’t mind, say a prayer too. I believe in the power of prayer.

Thank you for any insight you can offer and for your prayers.

Elizabeth H.


Hi Elizabeth:

I know what it is like to have your dreams become a reality. My true feeling concerning your son is— this is just a message of awakening for him on many levels. Remember, we all have free will; however, I feel he may be going through a death and a rebirth— a metamorphosis. It would be beneficial for you to have a conversation with him about his feelings and life choices and listen to what he has to say. He may need your support and encouragement.

I would also encourage you to pray to Archangel Michael and ask him to wrap his wings around your son making him invisible to any negativity. I encourage you to keep envisioning your son as healthy and protected—living and experiencing a fruitful life. There was another woman I met who saw her son in an accident. She continually placed her energies on seeing him arrive home safely. There was an accident but it ended up being very minor for him.

Anything is possible and prayer is powerful. Hold your son in the highest intention of safety, being secure and free from negative forces coming near him and we will do the same.

Please also remember, our journey here on earth is temporary. Enjoy your son moment by moment and invite laughter and joy into your lives.

Many Blessings,
Joan Marie the gift

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