Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Listen to the Sounds of Silence

Posted by Intuition Girl

When you read the title, possibly the first thing that often comes to mind is Simon and Garfunkel’s 1970s hit song, “The Sounds of Silence”. This is, in fact, one of the most profound statements and songs to date. While the lyrics speak about visions and the ability to break through to those willing to lend an ear and heart, many still do not truly “hear” the sounds of silence. These are the small recesses in the core of our being…in the crevasses of our minds. The illusion of all that we are and all that we have been is simply that: an illusion of what we truly could be if only we would take the time to hear what our higher consciousness is trying to convey to us. Are you listening?

Are you writing the song to your life and have not yet begun to sing it? Imagine how powerful your story could be if you allowed it to become the melody in your mind, body and spirit. Many times, you rehearse a part in the play of life over and over but never get on the stage to act it out. You automatically silence your intuition and your innermost feelings, because you do not believe you are worthy of what your soul truly wants; or perhaps you fear failure, regret or guilt. Emotional hang-ups often prevent you from fulfilling your life’s song because you allow them to take over the very essence of whom you really are, and who you are really destined to be.

For once, I want you to think about the statement, “Listen to the sounds of silence.” Find a quiet room in your home, maybe a bench in a secluded park, or while resting your head in a hot, sudsy bath. Close your eyes. Now listen to the sounds of silence. It is more than just the title of a song; it is the gateway to comprehending what your inner consciousness is trying to tell you. Silence is the golden opportunity for you to respond to what your heart actually wants. This is also the perfect time to tune into your intuition and listen to the song that is playing in your mind’s eye. What melody is it creating in your Soul Being? What metaphorical chords can you strum to put the tune into harmony and balance in your life? All you need is the willpower and the gift of intuitiveness to open up your heart and mind to what the sounds of silence are whispering your way.

Earlier, I mentioned that the song speaks about the ability to break through to those willing to lend an ear and heart to truly hear what the sounds of silence are conveying. It is not a science, nor is it a theory – it is a simple philosophy in life. When you take time to make time to tap into your innate gift of wisdom, you are ultimately listening for the breakthrough in the silence.  Many people have traveled the world to find the truth and ultimate purpose in life. Some have died trying to do so. Some have been successful in their quest. One special individual, in particular, comes to mind — Mother Teresa of Calcutta who summed this thought nicely: “If you want a love message to be heard, it has got to be sent out. To keep a lamp burning, we have to keep putting oil in it.” In other words, you must feed your Soul Being by acting accordingly to what your silent intuition wants you to do. Are you ready to propel yourself forward? Listen to the sounds of silence, and suddenly you will find that you are singing and playing the most powerful song of your life.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie, your Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Listen to the Sounds of Silence
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie is the extraordinary lifestyle expert for everyday living. She travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and her Lifestyle Makeover Programs with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies. Her Manifestation Method Program and Lifestyle Makeover Programs are designed to help people change their lives. For more information about Joan Marie and her upcoming, exclusive events, please go to:

Learn more about Certified Master Intuitive Joan Marie Whelan – Intuitive Counseling and Intuition Coaching Specialist

Is your mind holding you captive?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Do you ever question your choices
your thoughts–your decisions?

When we use our conscious mind together with our super conscious mind–our intuitive and instinctive aspect–we actually make better decisions and choices.

You possess a gold mind -It is what I call your sixth sensory wisdom. It has always been a strong desire of mine to show you the “HOW” to improve your life.

I am on a mission to make it possible for everyone who is interested to learn to awaken their own inner voice, their own soul power by tapping into their Intuitive Power.

Clients from past Teleclass Programs said…
“She is so much more that a medium …She is a wonderful spiritual teacher who coaches us on how the Universe works.”

Another comment was:“My DNA has changed and been brought back into focus and balance.”

Are you ready to make a change in your life?

  • Are you ready to be on target with your decisions?
  • Are you ready to gain renewed clarity for your life?
  • Are you ready to experience whatever it is you seek?

Each one of us is seeking something that is pertinent and special for us…I invite you to allow me to help you on your journey towards self-discovery.

I am offering a New 9-Week Program on developing your Intuitive Abilities.

Beginning September 21, 2010 — Tuesday Evenings 6 PM Pacific time, 9 PM EST

To discuss this program, I am offering Free Teleclasses
Tuesday Night–August 17th 6 PM Pacific time–9 PM EST


Let me help you connect your heart and mind together and bring greater awareness to your higher self and your intuition.

Take a look again at my testimonials on the sales page and learn more about this 9-Week program or call the office to discuss at (949) 760-0044


My 9-Week program is reasonably priced and intended to give you a quick jump-start on your life this fall.

This is an awesome value and opportunity for only $959.00

There will be a downloadable audio of each class–don’t worry, if you miss one class, you will have instant access to the calls and you will be able to listen to them over and over again at your pace.

You can sign up for the program right here and choose from 3 payment plans

You can sign up for the program right here
and choose from 3 payment plans

The 2nd payment will be charged to your
Credit Card 4 weeks after the initial payment

The 3rd payment will be charged to your
Credit Card in 20 day intervals

How to Tap into Your Intuitive Powers will:

  • Develop your ability to awaken your intuitive gifts
  • Grow to a higher and deeper level
  • Sharpen your awareness to what is happening around you
  • Have a better grasp of life’s challenges
  • Raise your vibrations to manifest easier (lt’s just that ability to hear clearly, letting life work for you instead of you working against life.)
  • Clean and fine tune the energy fields around your mind, body and spirit
  • Learn how to step into the sunlight {through meditation}

Joan Marie Whelan

Changing Focus to Change your Emotional State

Posted by Intuition Girl


jmw-dec17-newsletter-snowbaby-imageI am feeling all over the place. I am starting to feel cluttered in my mind and in my home and as a result, I am also feeling anxious. I am assuming that both feelings are interconnected but I honestly don’t know.

The holiday season is usually a time of great excitement, so I am wondering if that has something to do with it. In all honesty, I would like to feel more relaxed and at ease with myself…but it doesn’t seem to be happening.

I need help and I am hoping you will be able to give it to me. I don’t want to get sick and I certainly don’t want to create an accident because of my emotional state. Thank you

Lorraine C.


Dear Lorraine:

Thank you for sharing where you are. I am sure there are many who are feeling the same way. The holiday season often finds people feeling anxious and sometimes out of control. When that happens to you, take several deep breathes in and relax. You are in control of your behavior and emotional state. Remember that!

Do not allow your circumstances to dictate your life. How do you do that?

1. When you recognize that anxious state, immediately try to shift your energy. Think of something that is calming and relaxing.

2. Change your focus—a short prayer or mantra helps me center and ground myself and it definitely shifts my energy.

3. Daily morning meditation ( even for a few moments) will help set the mood for the day.

4. Clean up your space—whether at home or work. Physical clutter is the breeding ground for mental and spiritual clutter.

5. Good eating habits and regular exercise are vital for your overall state of being. Junk food weights you down in more ways than one and keeps you sluggish.

A brisk walk once or twice a day will help you stay balanced. I find this process important for my personal overall healthy state.

6. Get a good night sleep – that is not silly but absolutely necessary for maintaining a healthy state of mind.

All of the above takes discipline and effort on your part. There are certainly times in my life when I want to give into my lesser ego self, but I truly know and understand that if I want a healthy and balanced life and if I want to enjoy the abundance that life has to offer, I—no one else—it is “I” who must decide what choices I honestly need to make to reach my desired outcome.

jmw-dec17-newsletter-bell01This can be a wonderful and playful time of year. I warmly invite you to practice these steps because I know you will begin to enjoy yourself more. Celebrate your blessings and honor you for who you are.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

P.S. Discover the abundance awaiting you in 2010 when you commit yourself to learn how to create real, positive transformation in your life in my 2010 Mastermind Platinum Program — Hurry, space is limited! Visit today!

Striking Out? Bat a Successful Homerun in Life

Posted by Intuition Girl

baseballIf you’ve honestly tried to reach your goals in life and have failed, then you need to take a long look at the game plan you’ve been using. Sometimes you have to adjust your footing so you can gain better traction in where you are right now and where you want to lead your life.

Nobody wants to strike out when it’s their turn to bat.  That’s why you must challenge yourself to strive to do better, achieve more, and transform your lifestyle. When you review your game plan, you should use your essential tools for living to get a firm grip on your metaphorical batting range. In addition, you have to take an extensive look at how far you are willing to run in order to achieve your heart’s desires.

There are a few key areas in your life on which you have to focus in order to prepare yourself to hit your homerun to success. Following is a powerful guideline to recreate your lifestyle and fulfill your life’s dreams:

Re-define Your Strengths

Many times, we beat ourselves up to the point that we forget the inner strength we possess, and what vital life tools we have at our disposal. You have to retreat within and redefine your frame of mind so you can really get to the root basis of what’s causing you to strike out when you’re on home plate.

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