Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

What mask are you wearing today?

Posted by Intuition Girl

wearing-masksLast week, I briefly mentioned the word mask? What is a mask and how does it relate to all of us? We all have many different types of masks we like to put on each day. One maybe happiness, the other frustration and another – I have hardships.

The key for all of us is to identify the underlying meaning behind each mask and see if the one you are wearing today is serving you. If not what can you do on a daily basis to begin to make the necessary changes?

The word responsibility keeps coming up among clients and friends lately. There is change going on for so many of us right now. I used to hate change, but now I really embrace change as I have learned to fall in love with the unknown.

In order to heal and grow even deeper we must embrace what is going on and decide what we want to do about it. At the end of the day, we are all responsible for our actions and/or reactions. If we are stuck in the mud, maybe we need to enjoy that experience for a while. If we feel unhappy about being in the mud, then it is our responsibility to either call out for help or get resourceful and choose a different experience.

We are on earth and whether we like it our not–things happen! When I have been in situations that just didn’t work for me anymore or that didn’t feel comfortable, I begin to look for ways to change and create something different.

When you are tired of sitting in the mud and have really had enough you will begin to do something about it. The only way our lives are going to be different are if we take responsibility and choose different action.

Please read on to my two new questions this week from my readers, Mary and Sammy.

Many Blessings,

By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies , please go

Finding Happiness in Nature

Posted by Intuition Girl

When I was young, a childhood friend told me that if I held a buttercup beneath my chin, and my chin glowed yellow, it meant that I liked butter. Now, I tried the buttercup experiment, and sure enough, my chin glowed yellow.  It was such a silly little amusement, but I remember smiling to myself knowing that a simple flower could say so much about me.  Of course the buttercup glowed a faint yellow beneath my chin because I was out in the sunlight and the manifestation of the bright gold color was only evident because of the sun’s light.

buttercupThere were a few lessons to be gained in the buttercup experiment: trust, was the first. I learned first that I had to trust that the buttercup would glow beneath my chin; and it did. The second lesson was that in nature, all things are possible. The third lesson was that the sun is a remarkable thing that not only brings us the warmth and light to give life to all the earth, but that it has the power to do miraculous things. I smile when I think about this because in my mind’s eye, I can recreate the time and feeling of how a lowly buttercup was able to make me giggle…and believe in something that I may not have before.

You can learn a lot from nature. Especially when you’re sitting in the sunlight, standing beneath a shady oak, or just smelling lilacs as you stroll through a park. You’ll find that happiness is all around you if you only open your eyes to it. Didn’t you know that the wondrous part of nature is that it can bring to light some of life’s most beautiful creations?

The best part is that you don’t have to search very far to find happiness in nature. It’s in the wind, the buzzing bees, the drifting clouds, and in the cricket’s chirp. Happiness is, after all, a mirror image of the life that surrounds us. But it doesn’t just surround us; it’s a part of us. That’s the beauty of it. We are all interconnected to the glorious creation and wonder that we call the Universe. This great big expand of everything and all things, which is a reflection of who we are and why we exist. And it’s the energetic flow of the Universe that bonds all of this life together. Isn’t it amazing?

Smile.  When you smile on one side of the world, it creates a positive ripple effect in the Universal flow of energy. Ever heard the phrase, “Smile and the world smiles with you; cry and you cry alone?” It’s true. When you smile, your face lifts up, your eyes light up, and your insides feel all warm and gushy. When you frown, every thing comes to a screeching halt. That’s the amazing power of happiness. To delight in happiness is to be at one with nature. And when you’re at one with nature, you are at one with the Universal flow of energy. Yes, nature is in all things; smiles included.

If you can’t seem to put a smile on your face, you can always go outside and pluck a buttercup. While holding a small hand mirror, place the buttercup beneath your chin. If it glows yellow, you like butter…or maybe it’ll just make you smile like it made me.

Until we speak again, I am

Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved
Finding Happiness in Nature
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies , please go

Change your life with my new coaching program

Posted by Intuition Girl

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Welcome and thank you again for taking the first step to signing up for my free teleclass – the precursor event for the Strategy-Action-Recovery course that will change the direction of your life for the better! I am so very proud of you!

In addition to offering you powerful tips and tools to become the leader of your life and how to manifest real wealth in every aspect of your life through the Strategy-Action-Recovery program, I’m going to use my intuition to share with you insightful ways to learn how to be more open to receive blessings that the Universe wants you to have.

Being open to receive is one of the essential behaviors that we must learn and harness to create sustainable health, happiness, and wealth in life. Are you being blinded by limitations that you’ve placed on yourself? Isn’t it time you moved forward with your life to discover the opportunities that await you? Though it may come down to the wire, my *Coaching Program* is going to help you define fresh ways to allow the powerful energy of the Universe to enter your life so that you, too, can achieve greatness and prosperity like so many others already

*Sign up for my program today there is only 2 days left to alter your life.*

Motivate your life

Posted by Intuition Girl

change-of-strategy-signDear Joan,

My life is truly challenged and I am feeling weak, hopeless and depressed.  I have always been an independent person who has taken care of myself but lately I seem to be sliding backwards.  It is important to me to maintain my financial independence and take care of myself but I need some encouraging words to motivate me at this time.  I turn to you because I know you will say the words that will give me a boast.

Thank you,

Vickie J.


Dear Vickie:

An unknown author once said, “When the world says, “Give up,” Hope whispers, “Try it one more time.”  Perseverance is key in attaining wealth freedom and happiness.

Achieving financial independence is all about staying focused on the plans we’ve made and following through on those designs.  The more strength we put behind our ideals and ambitions, the greater results we achieve in life.  You have achieved in this lifetime and you will continue to be successful and secure in your life if you remember to keep your focus and stay disciplined.

Read the rest of this entry »

Is Your Belief System Causing You Doubt or Pain?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Most of us form our beliefs at a young age either through conditioning or programming that we receive from our parents, from our schools or from society at large due to the experiences we have encountered.

If today, you are experiencing great deep rooted emotional pain, more than likely it is because your choices and decisions are based on false beliefs that are engrained in your subconscious mind. If you are in pain and believe that someone else or something else causes your state, you are sadly mistaken.

Are you wondering yet about what you need to do to change those debilitating beliefs so you can welcome in new and refreshing opportunities? The good news is, it is absolutely possible, the bad news is it takes effort on your part.

PRACTICE: Taking responsibility for your beliefs, make a deliberate intention to understand the value of your beliefs as you see them today. Accept the possibility that you may need to change your perception in order to bring about inner peace. Take time to explore other points of view. Everything may not be as your perceive it –give others the benefit of the doubt and make a conscious effort to live your life in a way that will not only enrich you but all those with whom you come in contact.

When you are prepared to boldly step into the bright lights of positive change, [creation] you will, without a doubt, enjoy the natural rush of joy and happiness flow in, through and all around you. Each one of us take chances and risks daily whether we are conscious of it or not, so why not take the chance now to participate in the creation process and move forward one step at a time. It all begins with your belief system. I encourage you not to buy into the beliefs of others and make a conscious effort to form truthful, honest and principled choices based on how it feels in your heart. Only then will you be filled with great inner peace and happiness.

© Copyright – All Rights Reserved

Is Your Belief System Causing You Doubt or Pain?

By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

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