Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Soul Mates – Discovering Yours

Posted by Intuition Girl

couple-holding-handsNamaste, a Hindu expression, roughly translates into “that which is of the Divine in me greets that which is of the Divine in you.”  And when we reflect on this simple expression, we find that the Sanskrit language of the soul resonates with us all on a deeper, more spiritual level — and this is how, too, many a soul can reacquaint itself with its identical counterpart.

Believe it or not, our intuition plays an essential role in discovering exactly who our soul mates are.  Throughout our lifetimes, we have certainly come upon an individual to whom we’re inclined.  Suddenly, you feel this sense of “knowing” – though you’ve never met that person before.  And, it is in that “chance meeting” that we discover how much alike we are. The “chance meeting,” however, is no accident; a matter of fact, it is not by chance at all.  There are no “accidents” in life.  Remember, every encounter and every facet of our lives is laid out for us to explore — including the journey in finding our soul mates.

Whether or not one believes in the possibility of reincarnation, it is important to note that each of us has at one time or another met an individual to whom we’ve been drawn like a magnet.  Accordingly, our mutual bond helps us to rediscover the life light in each other.  Perhaps in a not-too-distant past, we shared experiences and/or love, and that is what has drawn us together.  There are NO accidents in these “chance encounters.” Read the rest of this entry »

Manifesting Wealth by Investing in Yourself

Posted by Intuition Girl

rainbow imageI once heard someone say, “Everything you do comes back 10-fold to you.”  Whether one believes or doesn’t believe in the Law of Action and Reaction, or the Law of Karma, it makes no difference.  You see, in order to manifest wealth and prosperity, individuals need only apply honesty and compassion in everything they do to realize the fruits of their labor.  One doesn’t have to be a genius, an artist, or a prodigy to find his passion or purpose in life – he must merely believe that he is capable of becoming the best he can be; and automatically, he will begin investing in his own wealth prosperity.  In the Manifestation Method, you learn how to create positive change using your Divine intuition. Read the rest of this entry »

How to Navigate and Successfully use Your Soul Blueprint for Living

Posted by Intuition Girl

man-meditatingIn my lifestyle makeover programs, you’ll discover that everyone possesses it but only a few people utilize it – what I’m talking about is your remarkable soul blueprint for living. The greater part of the population would really like to better understand how to effectively decode their blueprint for living; primarily because their future happiness depends on it. However, many of us have not been able to access our blueprint for life because we’ve lost the powerful and energetic connection to the Universal flow of energy. Read the rest of this entry »

A Recession Shouldn’t Rule your Life – 5 Tips to Overcome Your Feelings of Insecurity

Posted by Intuition Girl

Overcoming Feelings of InsecurityWhile our economy may be experiencing a recession, it doesn’t mean that your mind and spirit need to fall into a slump as well.  I know it’s difficult sometimes; especially if you’re a worry wart, who constantly tunes into the six o’clock news to get status reports on the state of the Union. Put that aside for a moment.  I want you to focus on you. Throw away the external components of the world and take a long look at your life.  What are you doing to make your life more bearable; and beyond that, what are you doing to create happiness in your life? Following are five tips to overcome your feelings of insecurity in these sometimes stressful times:

1. Don’t make mountains out of mole hills. Many times, we become our worst own enemy because we begin to exaggerate our challenges. It’s easy to do when you allow yourself to become overwhelmed to the point of no return.  I imagine Chicken Little felt that way when he automatically assumed that the sky was falling.  Before you jump to extreme conclusions about your situation, you need to take a step backward and put your mind on rewind for a moment. Relax. Take different perspectives of your present condition.  Ask yourself:

  • What options do I have at this point?
  • What talents, tools, or skills do I have at my disposal?
  • What are my goals?
  • What goals are achievable?
  • What plan of action do I have to achieve these goals? Read the rest of this entry »

Imagination – Harnessing the Power of Visualization to Fufill your Destiny

Posted by Intuition Girl

SerenityWhat is it about imagination that makes the most simple of things a beautiful vision?  One can only assume that some of history’s greatest artists like daVinci must’ve been filled with an incredible imagination to be able to conceive and complete some of the world’s finest pieces of art.  The key to his vision…or ultimate vision, was the final masterpiece which he created.  But each one of his works began in his mind, and that is the key to harnessing the power of visualization to manifest one’s true destiny.

Perhaps we’re not all artists, authors, or celebrities, but we all share one common bond — we all imagine and aspire to be greater and want to achieve greatness in this lifetime. Achieving greatness begins with imagination, and following through on the visualizations that we create within our minds. Read the rest of this entry »

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