Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Getting in Touch with Your Authentic Self

Posted by Intuition Girl

Understanding the Law of Attraction

Posted by Intuition Girl

In this weeks edition of Straight Talk with the Intuition Girl, I help a woman better understand the nature of the Law of Attraction.

Joan Marie,

My question is about taking the next step to make “it happen”.

I spent the last year and a half learning about the law of attraction, other laws and I have changed my thinking. I just don’t know what to do next to bring in money with a new business. I feel like if I had a lot of money I could do marketing, mailings, etc. Some say since I have prayed I should just wait. Others say I just have to get out there and find a way to get clients/customers…not so easy. I need money now to support my family and the ability to get my message to those in need. How does one know when to wait and release it to God or when to keep trying to make it happen? It seems like things are taking forever. HELP!!!

Tracy H

Dear Tracy:

Please make sure you understand The Law of Attraction. The truth really comes down to how you are feeling on the inside. As far as I know I am the only one teaching this truth and/or law in such a way that you can experience it at your deepest core. By that I mean learning and understanding the law, living the law and experiencing the law from within your soul.

Tracy, what you are feeling on the inside is going to match your external experiences. By reading your letter I would like to ask you a powerful question: “How are you feeling right now?” To me it seems as though you may be experiencing hopeless energy, desperation and panic. All of these negative emotions actually can and will block what it is you want to attract.

I encourage you to read my chapter on prayer in my best selling book, “Soul Discovery”. How you pray is very important. If you have worry prayers you may get worry results. Have you even thought about asking yourself, what does it feel like to you to have your company up and running? Do you allow your thoughts and your imagination to help you strengthen your inner desires? Do you spend anytime mapping out your blueprint so that it can help you explore the means to achieve your successful end result? There are many ways to seek and find the appropriate customers/clients.

To often we forget to keep God in our inner circle. God wants to help you but again I have a question to ask you: “Are you taking the time to quiet your mind so that you would be better equipped to listen to the truth?”

This is the time to be strong, keep your priorities in focus, help yourself overcome your blockages that are keeping you in this stagnant place and than you will have your hearts desires.


Evacuate or Face Certain Death – Is your lifestyle destroying your chances at happiness?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Evacuate or face certain death — On a physical level, this statement stands to put you on notice; especially if you are one of the individuals who are in the path of a deadly storm or natural disaster. On emotional and spiritual levels, it serves as a dual purpose to evacuate the current lifestyles that we lead or we can potentially face the certain death of our path to greatness. Read the rest of this entry »

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