Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Change your life with my new coaching program

Posted by Intuition Girl

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Welcome and thank you again for taking the first step to signing up for my free teleclass – the precursor event for the Strategy-Action-Recovery course that will change the direction of your life for the better! I am so very proud of you!

In addition to offering you powerful tips and tools to become the leader of your life and how to manifest real wealth in every aspect of your life through the Strategy-Action-Recovery program, I’m going to use my intuition to share with you insightful ways to learn how to be more open to receive blessings that the Universe wants you to have.

Being open to receive is one of the essential behaviors that we must learn and harness to create sustainable health, happiness, and wealth in life. Are you being blinded by limitations that you’ve placed on yourself? Isn’t it time you moved forward with your life to discover the opportunities that await you? Though it may come down to the wire, my *Coaching Program* is going to help you define fresh ways to allow the powerful energy of the Universe to enter your life so that you, too, can achieve greatness and prosperity like so many others already

*Sign up for my program today there is only 2 days left to alter your life.*

Are you sleep walking?

Posted by Intuition Girl

sleep-walkingThere are so many people sleep walking through life, are you one of them?

Settling for things you truthfully do not want, existing in your daily lifestyle as you think of debilitating self-defeating thoughts or putting yourself down and not trying to reach for anything because you say: “ why bother?”

So many of us get stuck in a rut doing the same thing all the time yet so desperately wanting something different. It is time for all of us to wake up from the slumber we put ourselves in and make powerful and wise decisions to become awakened and empowered leaders over our own lives.

I hear all too often how people are professional worriers over their lives, their children, their money, and their parents. Do you have any idea how much energy you are wasting on nothingness? Worrying about something is to have a fear of the outcome of some situation and unfortunately we cannot control the outcome of everything we encounter.

It is time for you to become consciously aware of your thoughts and actions on a daily consistent basis. True mastery in life is consistency! What are you doing on a daily basis to create new energy and momentum in your life so that you can manifest your hearts desires?

The only one you can truly be accountable for and responsible for is “you.” Hopefully there will come a time when your finally realize that everything you do in life is a choice. I encourage you to please choose wisely.

Please read on to my two new questions this week from my readers, Vickie and Mary Sue.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie Whelan

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for September 14, 2009 for a rare, transformational opportunity to speak one-on-one with renowned Intuition Master, Joan Marie Whelan. Come share in the excitement of Joan Marie’s FREE abundance discovery teleclass, which promises to give you a taste of what is to come in her upcoming Strategy Action Recovery Program – designed only for those of you who truly want to become leaders in the art of manifesting wealth, health, and prosperity in every aspect of life.

Self-Empowerment: Learning how to Love You

Posted by Intuition Girl

Supreme Court Justice, Oliver Wendell Holmes said, “Where we love is home, home that our feet may leave, but not our hearts.” Love is indeed a splendorous thing — but what it boils down to is being able to find the love within yourself to restore the harmony and balance to your authentic self.

heartcloverDeep within the core of your very existence is the special coding of whom you are — this is your authentic self.  It’s that part of your being, which is free from all external influences and inhibitions.  When you learn how to love yourself unconditionally, you are able to reconnect with your intuitive soul power; which is in essence, your authentic self.  Why reconnect with your intuitive soul power?  Because it is the direct link to the universal flow of energy that guides all things living.  We are all a part of this beautiful energy source; and when we realize the value and nature of its worth, the more compelled we are to achieve greatness in life.

First, you must learn to love yourself.  I am going to discuss a few ways that you can empower your authentic self so you can begin to trust your gut feeling and begin making the best choices for you and your life.

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Reconnect with the Universal Flow of Energy

Posted by Intuition Girl

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