Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

How can I cope when my children move on with their lives.

Posted by Intuition Girl

sad-womanHi Joan Marie:

I love reading your newsletters because you have helped me walk when I was only crawling in life.  I lost my son many years ago and you helped me heal so much from that tragedy.

I am now facing the time when my other children are growing up and preparing to go to college and begin their own lives.  I am so frightened that I might loose them forever.  Can you please help me cope with the fact that my children must move on and live their own lives.

I am so frightened.

Mary Sue, Chicago


Dear Mary Sue:

Thank you so much for your heart felt note.  I truly understand your pain and sorrow for experiencing the loss of a child and now as you are preparing for and facing yet another challenging moment in your life you are anticipating the void that will materialize as you watch your other children grow up and prepare for their own journeys.  It is understandable to feel anxiety and separation  which is surfacing in you.

I believe this is actually a great time for you to celebrate your accomplishments for keeping your family together.  I ask you to be proud of how you pulled your family together as you all overcame your difficult times.

What I can offer you right now is a flicker of hope and a prayer that you will acknowledge the inner strength that you have grabbed onto in the past and now must embrace once again.  Trust yourself as you prepare for the next phase of your life.  Get ready to embark on the next chapter of your life with excitement and adventure because it is all about you and how you choose to be remembered.

As you bless your children and watch them fly, I encourage you to pay attention to your future and the wonderful moments that you will be creating for yourself.  Take the time to define who you truly are—you are not simply a mother, wife or caretaker but you are Mary Sue a beautiful spirit who still has a lot more to accomplish and experience.  Possibly it is time for you to embrace fun and excitement for yourself.

I do not believe that you should mourn the loss of your children or fear their abandonment of you because I don’t feel that will happen.  It is time for you to start placing your energy on you and celebrate your accomplishments– all that you have done for your children and others.  You are the gift that has continually kept giving.

Your children will never leave you- they will always be in your life and part of your heart and fond memories.  However, the only guarantee and control you have in life is over you.  Change is forever constant in our lives and as the seasons come and go, it is important for each one of us to recognize and accept change as a friend.  It is time for you to meditate on who you want to be and what you want to do with your thoughts and time.

What blessings are you creating? Bless your children with love and continue to be a source of encouragement and strength for them but at the same time, start paying attention to your personal happiness and what you now wish to experience for you.

Many Blessings,

Joan Marie the gift
Intuition Girl

About the Author: Joan Marie Whelan, an internationally known intuitive specialist, business consultant, medium, and coach travels throughout the United States sharing her gifts and the Manifestation Method with solo-preneurs, professionals, small business owners, and large companies

MARK YOUR CALENDARS for September 14, 2009 for a rare, transformational opportunity to speak one-on-one with renowned Intuition Master, Joan Marie Whelan. Come share in the excitement of Joan Marie’s FREE abundance discovery teleclass, which promises to give you a taste of what is to come in her upcoming Strategy Action Recovery Program – designed only for those of you who truly want to become leaders in the art of manifesting wealth, health, and prosperity in every aspect of life.

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