Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Happy 4th of July

Posted by Intuition Girl

Independence and freedom is something that we all crave to enjoy, experience and maintain yet for many people of the world, those thoughts seem to be a fleeting mirage. I have observed how people hold grudges for centuries and teach their children anger, hatred and negative thoughts because they refuse to turn the other cheek or even say, it is time to forgive and release.

We all have had situations in our personal lives that have spoken to that same scenario yet we still harbor anger, resentment and an unwillingness to forgive and let go of the past. We cannot expect the world to change if we individually refuse to change. Change happens one person at a time. It doesn’t matter if you resent someone or a group of people because of color, race religious beliefs or whether they have money or lack BUT what does matter is that we cause them NO HARM. We do not have to like each other but we definitely need to tolerate each other, respect each other’s point of view and treat each other with kindness and compassion.

Several years ago I wrote a poem about tolerance and it is entitled: It Really Doesn’t Matter What Color You Are

One of the verses goes like this:

It really doesn’t matter what color you are, for in the end, we are all a blend.
We mesh and merge; we mingle and purge. Like the waves of the ocean who
thrash and foam and crash and surge, yet always return to the one.
So listen when I tell you this, it really doesn’t matter at all. The color you
perceive is only a screen that in the end dissolves. For God in all His glory enlightens the human race to teach and show us that it is so.

Dear readers, no matter where you live in the world, think about those words and take to heart the message that real independence and freedom starts on the inside of each one of us and it can only be realize in the world when we individually embrace its true meaning.

Joan Marie

Are you stuck in your life?

Posted by Intuition Girl

Are you stuck and have fallen into self-pity or are you going to move forward and make your life happen? Possibly you are only focused on the past experiences and from that position you are simply dragging around all the old baggage that is weighing you down due to hurtful memories.

Life is too short to live with the thought of all your old baggage paralyzing you. If you continue to carry it around, you won’t get very far—because the weight becomes too overwhelming. If something didn’t work out – maybe the job that you thought would be the ultimate but it wasn’t—don’t beat yourself up or be angry. Maybe your relationship didn’t work out—unwarranted sadness and regrets can and will stop your flow. If you focus on all the pain and uncomfortable situations that you have been through over the course of your life and all the hurts that you experienced from the past, you miss out on the joys that are right in front of you. Doors are always opening up daily for each one of us, however, if you are dragging around all that old stuff, you are unfortunately placing your focus on the past which means you are missing out on the new opportunities that are being placed in front of you.

The mind is very powerful instrument, it has the ability to constantly re-play the old story and if you keep dwelling on the disappointments and going back and reliving the past, you are simply settling with what you had before instead of making it a stepping stone to take you towards your greatness.

An exchange must be made. If you refuse to let go of the past, you cannot receive the new.
You need to be disciplined in your thought life. Start changing the channels of your life story and stop reliving the old because it will keep you stuck. You cannot change the past but you certainly can change the future.

Everything I am saying to you is true—I know it and I believe it because it has happened to me and I trust that it will work out for you. When you take steps of faith and trust, you begin to experience amazing things.

Inspirational video – Be Bold

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s video is all about standing out and being bold. Now is the time, take that risk and feel good.

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Pride and Joy has two faces

Posted by Intuition Girl

Ironic how we may have all heard that phrase, “pride and joy”; and in some cases employed it ourselves (in reference to something or someone we love and revere). The challenge in having that pride and joy, is it can sometimes get in the way of our own success. We become so attached to a thing, a person or some event in our lives that we do not see any other new opportunities or pathways to progress to the next level.

Pride often begets complacency, which idles our movement. Now, I am not saying you should not have any pride or joy in life. In fact, I encourage you to be proud of who you are and have joy in those things that bring you happiness. What I am also telling you is the recommended dose of anything is always moderation. Remember, just like all things in life, too much of even a good thing is extreme, and can lead to negative consequences. The same holds true for those of you who might say, “I cannot live without so-and-so…” Fact is, if you are living for someone or something else, you are not living for yourself – and that is what you are missing.

Excessive pride can sometimes confine you. Too often, you can get caught up in the whole, “I can’t do this because I may lose this or that,” or “I can’t move there because I will be away from _____________fill in the blank.” There are opportunities in life that beg you to take full advantage, but because you are so focused on someone else or something else, you become paralyzed in the “what if’s” and the “I cant’s”. Do not become that person. Do not rehash all the things that you could potentially “lose” or all the things that may or may not be. Remember, you cannot control external circumstances, but you have the power to choose your destiny. Are you up for the challenge?

Despite what you have been brought up to think or believe, you are still the leader of your life. You have the choice and the power to decide your outcome. If you are holding yourself back because of an overwhelming sense of pride, you need to rethink your actions and behavior. Pride can be like a powerful drug. Once you are addicted to that feeling associated with a person, place or thing, you can easily miss open doors to new and positive opportunities. Do not get caught up in your own web of feelings.

How to get there…

If you are proud of your accomplishments and you enjoy your life just the way it is, then perhaps this message is not for you. But if you are stuck in a repetitive lifestyle and you seem to be going backward or in circles, then heed this: Open your eyes and open your mind. Raise your awareness through meditation or prayer so that you can begin to see the potentiality that exists around you. Know that pride can be an awesome feeling, but it takes a humbling experience to truly see the possibilities that surround you.

Overcoming pain and sorrow

Posted by Intuition Girl

There will be countless times in our lives where we think that we will never, ever recover from the grief and sorrow we feel deep within our hearts and souls. Grief makes us feel like we cannot breathe, like a permanent pit has formed in our bowels and a heavy weight cannot come off of our shoulders. Whether we have lost someone near and dear to us, or perhaps we are grappling with our own physical disabilities or health issues or even disasters from storms, sometime we just cannot seem to overcome all of the challenges. There is a time and a place for healing to begin in all of our live if we are willing to try. It is true that the healing process may not physically bring back those we have lost, nor may it instantly resolve our bodily or emotional scars, but when you believe that anything is possible and that you are in control of your destiny, nothing can stop you from healing your wounds.

Take for example the true story of Marshall University. In 1970, tragedy overtook the college campus and town when 37 young, aspiring football players (a total of 75 people onboard) were all simultaneously killed in a plane crash. One of the takeaways from this National horrific event was that through loss comes strength. The remaining coaches players and community fought through their own emotional wounds to re-emerge like the breaking dawn. When we suffer incredible heartbreak or experience per or grave sickness in our lives, God gives us insurmountable strength, hope and resolve to overcome all things. We must only believe that we have the capacity to endure, accept, rise above, and begin again. There are no other ways around calamity. Fact is that we will all suffer some form of failure or tragedy in our lifetimes, but that does not mean it is the end of the world, It is more like we are preparing for a new revelation that is ready to unfold.

You must believe that all things happen for a reason. There are no right or wrong events, they simply happen—sometimes for no particular reason to even the best and gentlest people on earth. How you react to loss is the most pivotal and life-changing step you can take. Understandably, emotions and feelings of grief are second-nature to mankind. Just like you, I have had my own share of sorrows, but I have a choice to simply survive or choose to thrive. I choose to thrive – to overcome. I know that through my Creator, my Higher Source and the Divine Love and Energy that is provided to me, I can prevail through all circumstance. Remember, There are blessings in all of our lives and maybe this is the time to count the blessings that you are experiencing right now.

Honor yourself, honor those you love, be grateful for every waking moment that you exist in this chasm of the Universe. You are unique and special in every way. Know that even though it may hurt, without our challenging hardships, we could never see or experience the full beauty and blessings that we so often take for granted. We only have one life in which to participate and live. Rejoice for the good times, live for the happy times, and overcome all things so you can create and experience joy in everything you do.

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