Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Inspirational video – Be Bold

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s video is all about standing out and being bold. Now is the time, take that risk and feel good.

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11 Responses to “Inspirational video – Be Bold”

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  2. Says:

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  3. Says:

    In case any of ya’ll don’t know – IT’S ICY OUTSIDE! Nothing else is going on in the world, nor does it matter.I cannot believe that 740 am has dumped Rush in order to hash and rehash that fact. I am now listening to him via Internet, through a station in San Diego. I figgered they wouldn’t be going all gaga over ice there. My speakers are hooked up, turned up, and I’m having frito pie for lunch as I work from my downstairs (warm) base of operations on my living room couch.As you were.

  4. Says:

    You two are amazing. Thank you for sharing your story, pain & all. It's truly what WE (wounded warriors and spouses) need, but the whole world needs it too. Together, you will get through the days!

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    One other issue issue is that video games are typically serious naturally with the major focus on studying rather than entertainment. Although, we have an entertainment part to keep your young ones engaged, every game is normally designed to develop a specific experience or course, such as math concepts or technology. Thanks for your post.

  6. Says:

    Den är klart bra den där. Har ocksÃ¥ precis samma om det är den frÃ¥n Bauhaus (ser sÃ¥ ut)… fast iofs, ni har säkert tagit hem den till Nordsjö. ;-) Mvh

  7. Says:

    Dude, right on there brother.

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    The paragon of understanding these issues is right here!

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    The whole idea of “brown people” is a liberal construct that piles every supposed oppressed minority group into one box. Were the Spanish conquistadors white then?In North America most of the genocide came from Indian tribes, or rather confederations of tribes, such as the Iroquois, who exploited the guns traded by French and English traders to conquer and destroy numerous other tribes.

  10. Says:

    Tribe member and I bumped into her outside the bloggers lounge at SXSW (literally minutes after I’d chatted to Pam Slim). Tricia was on the same panel with Pam and so I stopped and asked her all about

  11. Says:

    Buraq ’08 // September 16, 2009 at 5:18 pm Hi Buraq,If something is bugging you, this is the place to say it. Feel free to share if you’re so inclined.Before I found this site, I was literally bursting at the seams because I live in a moonbat state, surrounded by moonbats and wackaloons. Glad I found some like-minded brothers and sisters here!

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