Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Living in consciousness

Posted by Intuition Girl

Many people get insulted when asked the question or even imply whether they are living in consciousness or are simply existing, yet it is a very honest question and one that deserves you to take notice.

Let me use as an example discovering new and loving relationships between two people. Along your life’s journey, I am sure you have met many significant individuals and possibly you’ve fallen in love and opened yourself up to become vulnerable to another. How magnificent it is to open yourselves up in such a way as to allow someone else view your most sensitive feelings or do you find this challenging?

While you have consciously made the decision to form a new union and cultivate a new beginning, a new chapter in your life, have you truthfully taken the steps to make sure this new encounter will bear multiple blessings both now and in the future for you and your partner?

Many of us carry the baggage of our youth, which are our sorrows, our fears, our anxieties and our painful experiences deep within the recesses of our subconscious mind. All of these things have built up over time and we have brought them into our relationships, that is relationships at work, relationships with friends, relationships with family, and our relationships in love. Now instead of just one laundry list of “stuff”, we have two. If you have already raised your level of awareness to where you are at one with your soul and at one with your adult you, then you are already a step ahead of the game. But is your partner, your significant other vibrating at the same frequency? Even the transitional stage of going from a couple to a family unit or going from one any one stage of your life to another requires conscious living on your part if you want to enjoy the experience to the fullest.

Our ancestral lineage and family encounters absolutely plays a role in our present moments and those encounters can either boast us up or take us down. On both sides of my family, my grandparents died when I was young and I have few fond memories. While my Mom shares aspects of our lives that I personally don’t remember, I see how different attitudes and environments definitely played a part in the beliefs and attitudes that I developed in my life. We absolutely have the power and ability to change and create new habits and a new style of living yet unless we are consciously aware of the baggage that we have loaded ourselves up with, we are unable to remove it and get rid of it from our energy field.

When we choose to live consciously and become aware of the how, where and why of our actions, our thoughts and our reason for being, we are better prepared to tackle all the challenges that life presents to us. Never before have I offered a workshop that will tackle these questions and allow you to find answers that will give you a new sense of purpose and a new reason for living your life to the fullest. I will be offering this workshop weekend first to you, my friends that to everyone else in our outer circle. We will take a limited number of people because I want to be able to interact with all of you. Reservations will start within the next ten (10) days, so get ready to listen, read and respond. The rewards will be yours!

Joan Marie

Inspirational Video: The light within your self

Posted by Intuition Girl

How’s the flame within yourself?  Everything happens internally and then it manifests externally.

A season of warmth and Miracles

Posted by Intuition Girl

Everywhere you look, Mother Earth is warming the soil as we experience the freedom of the season. Summertime allows each one of us to relax a little more as we breathe in the sweetness of our balmy weather; the richness of the soil, the tender blossoms, and the bright green leaves that exhibit a beautiful display for the entire world to see. Have you taken the time to really look at nature lately and appreciate this season? Renowned poet, Albert Laighton once said, “Where man sees but withered leaves, God sees sweet flowers growing.” There is much truth in this statement; as all too often we walk along life’s highway dwelling on the low points and not enough of the highpoints. You see, summer is God’s way of awakening our eyes to the miraculous wonder of life.

Laighton was a man of great observation, he was able to see beyond the withered leaves and know that they have great potential while most of us only see the dead vegetation and look no further. We fill our lives with withering thoughts and fail to cultivate our ideas and nurture our heart’s desires. That’s how many of us tend to view our lives these days. For some of us, it takes too much time and effort to focus on what could be. We reject good and wholesome advice and choose to say—I know better than the wise men of the world.

We spend many an hour worrying about what was lost, or the cost of mistakes; and by the time we’ve spent all these precious moments on past issues, we have regrettably lost the opportunity that was there all along.

Are you forsaking your prosperity because you can’t see the flowers from the dead leaves? Let go of the old and withered patterns of your life. Each season has its beauty and affords us the opportunity to enjoy and partake in its abundance. However while we are in the season of summer, make it a time for miracles. Open up your heart and mind and allow the beautiful fruits of this season to enter your life. Don’t let a hardened heart prevent you from embracing new possibilities, and a chance for a positive life transformation. Even the flowers get a second chance every year to be the brightest and most colorful of the garden bouquet. God doesn’t view your “withered” ways; he wants you to be the best that you can be as well. That is my message to you – laugh, have fun, do something that brings a smile to your face.

We are all God’s children, and like the flowers of summer, he wants you to grow, flourish and feel the soft breeze across your face of his touch. Perhaps this is why we have four seasons in the year; each one offers us the opportunity to seek out the miracles that await us all.

Inspirational Video – Gain clarity as to what is going on in your life

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today’s video is all about the importance of clarity in your life.

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Inspirational Video – Stop waiting for something to happen

Posted by Intuition Girl

Today is all about to stop waiting and hiding. Remember to take action in your mind, body and soul to make a change in your life.

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