Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

Turn Your Commitment Around

Posted by Intuition Girl

How many of you have made a commitment to lack, despair, or better yet to what is not going your way?  Most individuals are heading in the wrong direction making many wrong turns and following many detours, instead of making a commitment to what it is they truly want.  Many set goals, write our their wishes and have great intentions but than do not follow through and focus on a daily basis with what needs to get done in order to make it happen.

The truth is you must walk the straight line to achieve what it is you want.  I recently had the opportunity to work with an aspiring singer.  As I was coaching her in my “Lifestyle Makeover Program” she became extremely clear on the type of music she wishes to create but she lacked focus on how she was going to reach her goal. She also needed to understand and create the image of how she wishes people to perceive her.  You see she needed to set the groundwork, her own foundation of what she really wants.  Her soul, mind and body all need to be in alignment in order for her to create her true reality.  Read the rest of this entry »

Communicating with a Soul Mate

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Joan,

I’ve been separated from my fiancé and soul mate for a year and a half now. Legal and immigration issues have prevented him from coming back to the US, and this has hit him pretty hard and is suffering what seems to me as depression, although I can’t be sure…it may be some post traumatic stress disorder, or just a complete feeling of wanting to give up fighting because he has not been successful in sorting things out and getting back here with me. We used to speak for hours every day, but these past three weeks, I get brief emails, mostly telling me that he’s not the man I fell in love with, that he doesn’t deserve me, and every day is a struggle marked with brick walls which for him keep getting higher and harder. I want to make plans to see him there, as well as to meet with an immigration lawyer to get the ball rolling on a fiancé’s visa so we can be married and live here happily at last! He has stopped phoning…I continue to email, leave voicemails, and texts, I ask for him to not shut me out and let me help him, but it’s been three excruciatingly painful weeks of no communication. I don’t know what I can do for him. How do I know what he needs from me? Should I continue to communicate and reach out to him as best I can and be patient that he will get some help (as I suggested) and will start to communicate with me again when he is ready? His emails assure me that he is still loves me…here’s his latest email to me:

Baby I am sorry… I find it hard enough to get through each day at the moment…. I am not the person you fell in love with right now… things continually go wrong…. and I keep hitting brick walls at speed…. and at the moment they are getting higher and harder…… your name is on my heart…. you have my heart and you always will… you know that… truly deep down…. and you are now and always will be my best friend… sorry for not letting you be there for me.. that was wrong… so wrong….. I love you now and for eternity darling… oxoxo

Joan Marie, can you give me some guidance as to what I need to do to help him get through this? I want to marry him…he’s my soul mate….but right now he is so lost. Is there still a happily ever after for us? Any assistance you can give me would be more appreciated than you’ll ever know….I need to know what I can do to help him keep fighting and not give up. I thank you for your time and consideration to this request for help.

Most sincerely,

Diane S.

Joan Marie’s Answer

Hi Diane:

I understand your desperation in wanting to help him. I do agree that you should continue to keep reaching out to him. Right now he is feeling hopeless and sad that it is like why bother? What you need to do is ask him to be honest with you: Does he want to be with you? Does he want to come to the states? What is it that he truly wants? You also need to ask him: “Has he made a decision to stay where he is?” He needs to make a decision to say “yes” you are a team and can work through this together or not. Life throws all of us many curve balls. However, if we give up than we have not only lost what we wanted but we gave our power over to the circumstance instead of to ourselves. I believe he needs to be honest with you and be in truth with what he wants.

I feel that the main question to ask him is: Does he want you to move on with out him or figure our how to solve this with him. This you need to know.

When we get into a serious depressed state or when many emotional situations arise in our lives, they happen so that we can learn to deal with them and heal from them as we learn our many valuable lessons. I believe what he is experiencing right now has a purpose—and he is the one who needs to be in truth with who he is and what is his life’s purpose. It is all about him being willing to open up first to himself and then to you and have a platform for open and honest communication. The focus is not on life ending but rather for life beginning at a far greater and deeper level.

We all have the ability to unlock the door and follow the light—if we choose it.

Many Blessings,

Chronic Dreamer

Posted by Intuition Girl

Dear Joan

I’ve wanted to call you while you have been on Whoopi’s morning show, but haven’t had the opportunity. I wanted to ask you about something unique that many might not have asked you about. I’m a chronic dreamer. I remember just about every dream I have. I really dislike it, because when I wake in the morning, it feels like I’ve not slept. Most dreams are just about every day events and aren’t too stressful. However, I all too often have very bad nightmares. (1-2 night terrors a year, or even in one night is just too much) I cannot interpret them since most of them are paranormal ones. They are about dead people, or people dying, or violently scary, posessions, etc. These nightmares terrify me, and seem to happen on nights when I go to sleep without a worry on my mind when I’m falling asleep. They tend to be more vibrant if I’m really busy with school or have a lot of things going on with my life.

My normal dreams I tend to understand why I have them, for instance random things like being frugal with money, etc.

I have been through a lot in the past years I guess, and would like to know if I will have peace of mind and be able to seek that happiness with myself and in life.

Thank you for your time if you do read and receive this.

Mimi Miller

Joan Marie’s Answer

HI Mimi:

You actually answered this yourself. You need to learn peace of mind right now. The dreams are a symbolism of restlessness in your everyday life. I believe you either feel guilty or have not let go of something from your past and you are punishing yourself for it. I honestly would like you to meditate and start knowing peace while you are awake. I would encourage you to listen to my “Forgiveness Healing CD.” Many others have told me that that CD has helped them release old emotions. I believe your old emotions are being expressed in your violent dreams. When you learn to live in inner peace and calm your dream state will change. You are also very intuitive and it might behoove you to purchase “How to Tap into Your Intuitive Powers”. There are four powerful meditations in this program that will assist you with releasing what no longer serves you and help you become grounded in your body as you learn to protect yourself energetically.

I believe you should engage in a house clearing and a Soul Clearing. You can buy a white candle and set the intention to clear out any old energy from your house and from your life. You may also want to take a bath with some sea salts and place white rose pedals in the tub. Soak in the tub for at least 20-30 minutes and then as the water is draining from the tub you can feel all the energy of your past releasing as it is being flushed away.

I encourage you to find peace with your life today. Fall in love with your lessons and spend time in nature. Surround yourself with beautiful flowers right now. Spend time in nature and stand next to a tree; these experiences will assist in being grounded as you feel your feet begin to root into the earth and support you. Learn to become grounded; all my meditation CDs teach you this. We live on earth in the here and now and you need to learn to only live in the present moment.

Enjoy the blessings of being you.

I hope that helps

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