Intuition Girl

Joan Marie Whelan, dubbed the Intuition Girl, utilizes her intuitive gifts to help readers manifest the extraordinary lifestyles that they desire. On her blog, Joan posts a wealth of inspirational articles, videos, and podcasts.

What you create, you become

Posted by Intuition Girl

In the Ghetto is a 20th Century hit song made famous by King of Rock and Roll, Elvis Presley. If you have not heard it, I encourage you to listen to it. It is a beautiful song but it is also a very tragic one. As you listen to its lyrics, you discover a cruel cycle of dismal circumstances. It tells a story about an impoverished mother giving birth to a baby boy in the ghetto of Chicago. As the ballad begins, the infant’s mother cries as she is already downtrodden and “if there’s one thing that she don’t need, it’s another hungry mouth to feed”. The stage has already been set for failure because the mother is riddled with lack – both financially and emotionally. Automatically, it is assumed that because of these conditions, this young infant will one day grow to be an angry young man. The tragedy is not so much that it actually transpires, but ultimately that the self-fulfilling prophecy leads to a young man’s demise. This is part of the Pygmalion Effect.

In society, people are often stereotyped by others – especially in relationship to social class and education (or rather lack thereof). James Rhem, Ph.D., has said, “How we believe the world is and what we honestly think it can become have powerful effects on how things will turn out.” Ability can and does play a role in what we achieve in life, but in the end, perception and confidence in realizing these achievements are the most critical factors. That is why I encourage you to focus on your blessings and bounty not your inadequacies or lack. If you believe you are unable to be successful in life, then in reality that is what you will experience; your thoughts and words will become a self-prophecy.

As the title suggests, what you create, you become. The truth of the matter is that your belief system – the psychological and emotional kind which adhere to your belief in self and how far you will be able to go in life is the deciding force that will enable you to succeed. For instance, if you tell a child that she can do anything she wants if she sets her mind to it, you equip her with a powerful mindset to realize her potentiality. If you tell that same child she will never amount to anything, you eventually destroy her spirit and the willpower to create success and happiness. A campaign slogan used by the United Negro College Fund (UNCF) in 1972, “A mind is a terrible thing to waste,” has helped empower over 400,000 minority students to graduate college. The UNCF further reiterated that people have the capacity to do amazing things, but without an education they will never have the opportunity. It is a powerful belief system – knowing that when you empower others (and self) to create and achieve wondrous things, that all things are indeed possible.

Today, I want you to create what you want to become—stop holding onto negative statements or teachings that have told you otherwise. You are a powerful and an emotionally intelligent being. You have the mind-power to create and accomplish extraordinary things in your life if and when you set your mind to it. If you have been thinking about going back to school and keep putting it off – why? If you want to start your own business but do not believe you can be successful – why? No matter your age or circumstance, I encourage you to pursue your dreams. Nurture the seeds of your mind, heart and soul and blossom into the wondrous gift that you are. No man, no situation, no economic factor, no deed, and no thought can ever prevent you from achieving your life dreams. The miracle you have been searching for is you.

Joan Marie – your Intuition Girl
© What you create, you become – 2012
By Joan Marie the Gift, Intuition Girl

Are you interested in becoming your own Master Intuitive? Joan Marie has an upcoming 5-Month Intuitive Life Coaching Program beginning January 16, 2013.  Call the office  (941) – 954-9001 to speak with Joan Marie to see if this program is right for you!

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